opiates, the vicious cycle


Well-Known Member
Just take lsd every 2 hours for 2 days locked in a cabin 10 hours away from opiates..that will fix it...


Well-Known Member
Ibogaine is remarkable for its uses..I've never had it and don't know exactly its effects as far as what happens..I've seen documentaries..


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to post a PSA about pain pills and their addictive nature. Really I'm just venting as I'm on day 3 of a detox.

I've been prescribed various opiates for the past 5 years due to 2 car accidents, 3 major surgery's, and a twisted pelvis. Everytime I run out I say "no more pills, Ill deal with the pain". I can deal with the nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and lack of energy for the first few days. Then I tell myself the pains not that bad, Ill alternate naproxin and tylenol so that I don't stress my liver. Ill go a few more days, feeling proud that I can manage my pain without opiates. A week will go by and the pain starts to get overwhelming. I finally cave in and go back to the Dr for a refill. at first its take a pill in the morning and one before bed. Then its 3 a day, then 4 or 5 , and then finally its 8 a day. Four of those 8 being chewed up before bed.

after a few days I realize I'm going to run out soon and taper down, telling myself "no more pills, Ill deal with the pain".

Rinse and repeat....
I have to LOL a bit with you here, this is exactly me. I dont know how many times I've quit over the last 3-4 years. I made it a couple months once.


Well-Known Member
I have to LOL a bit with you here, this is exactly me. I dont know how many times I've quit over the last 3-4 years. I made it a couple months once.
The worst part is knowing that your gonna want to quit again as you take the first pill in your new refill. So far so good. No pills since Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
Give ya my mentality. I want to quit taking them but keep filling the script so I can stockpile them. They would be a most valuable apocalypse currency, seriously. Yet once I feel I'm good to go and safe to have them in the house, they start calling me and that doesn't last long! I start the the same way, 1 or 2 a day then as that bottle gets closer to done I'm back up to 6-7. I've got 30 10mg Norco right now and starting the taper down again!


Well-Known Member
Candy and coffee man. Stay close to a toilet you'll be well in 7 - 10 days. That's when the work starts. Goal one get over being sick.


Well-Known Member
you usually feel like shit for a while after you kick due to low melatonin levels, give it a chance, it gets better!!!

cancer survivor

Active Member
pills are no fun. just smoke weed! i had bone cancer Drs all said i was terminal, i was taken 100mg morphine pills 6-8 a day for 2 years. just kept going chemo radiation,operations. was real shitty but i LIVED soon as cancer was gone the pain stopped and i just stopped taken the pills didnt need them. felt bad for a week thats it. guess im stronger than most. but i will never stop smokin my weed. i love my weed. gave me a whole new outlook on life coming that close to death! quit them pills they rob you of life just smoke pot. peace brothers and sisters. be strong!!


New Member
I was shooting dope and it almost killed me. The ONLY reason I'm still here is because I dedicated myself to finding a doc who would treat me with suboxone. I told him how much I was using and the same day started subutex for a week. That was the hardest part for me cause you can shoot subutex... After that week (which obviously sucked), I was put on a large dose of suboxone. I had to get piss tested every week for a year but im alive. I know the suboxone saved my life.


Well-Known Member
You ought to find a way to stop the pain first, or else you're dooming yourself to relapse. If you want to try kicking, get your MD to Rx a good sedative like Valium or phenobarbital or Klonopin. You'll want enough to keep yourself asleep most of the time for at least four or five days. On top of that you need a blood pressure medicine like Clonodine for the heebie-jeebies. Get some Imodium and ibuprofen from a drugstore and start taking them before you start to withdraw. I never had any reefer when I was kicking so I don't know if it helps or hurts. Remember you're going to sweat like a racehorse and no one, I guarantee, wants to change their sheets in the middle of opiate withdrawal, so plan accordingly. But really, if you're in that kind of pain and opiates are the only relief, you've no reason not to take them. But if you start chasing the dragon, you'll never catch it.


Well-Known Member
All of that stuff about biting the bullet and learning to live with pain is BS...the thing is that you have to sleep and your body will not allow you to get that deep sleep that you need in order to function. Suboxone is the way to go but at $400+ a month? Look up the work(research) that has been done on Bupinorphine and the crap that they add to it to justify that $$$. Greedy Pharma. corporations. They mix this stuff called Naloxone with it...same stuff they give to someone overdosing (injection). Thing is that Naloxone has a half life of an hour or so while Bupin. has a half life that is in terms of days. Rickett Bristell or whatever that company is just plain greedy. I pay $155 for 60 tabs...had to call around to a lot of different Wmarts (for some reason they have different prices). The thing is that you cant cheat your body out of sleep. I have done a lot of dumb shit like off road racing and riding rodeo when I was in High School so that is what to avoid, but if the damage is done what are you going to do. Not saying that Bupes are for you but another synthetic may be that pain reliever you need. Problem is that there is no money to be made off it by the greedy corporations. Good thing is that Bupes do not show up on a drug test but the other synthetic does..Methedone. There are well meaning pain specialist that are doing good work out there but unfortunately the bad rep of Methadone by heroin junkies and those that sell their methadone to buy heroin have screwed it up for others. All I can say is that when I was going thru some painful procedures the Methedone was a god send. Does not produce that euphoric feeling to the extent that poppy based pain killers do, does not cause dehydration to the same extent...and like bupes there is what is called a ceiling (no extra effect after a given amount. Here is a picture of one of my 2 monthly bottles...this is the same as the 8 mg Suboxone minus the Naloxone.



Well-Known Member
Oh yea...here in another synthetic but not that great about killing pain. It will lesson the bathroom visits: Tramadol


Well-Known Member
Cold turkey is the way to go imo you don't wan't methadone thats for damn sure. I got a good price on the pills so I was selling them but also taking some after a while I was hooked I've tried kicking a few times shits the devil I was a month through withdrawals just too check it out online and find out it takes up to 3 months for the worst and still half a year later your not right so I started taking them again. Now I'm doing dope for 3 months after that I'll kick it in a week all these dudes going to the clinic and shit they aint getting clean they just traded one addiction for a worse addiction. I'd take any addict thats hooked on an alternative drug saying there clean with a grain of salt. If there wasn't all this miss information by junkies saying how much better methadone is I'd have never picked up a habit come to find out the withdrawals last months and these addicts take it for years upon years there not clean no way there on a harder drug methadone is 7.5 times stronger then morphine twice as strong as heroin with over 3 months of withdrawals. Not too sure about suboxone withdrawals but that shits even stronger and longer withdrawals then heroin too.

I've always been good with opiates I'll get a little habit take a break and I'm good not methadone that shit really grabs a hold of you I can't afford to be laid up a month let alone 3. Thank god for cheap dope.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey I started a taper down today! 6-7 norcs yesterday 4 today... 3 tomorrow, 2 then 1... Then try not to refill again!


Well-Known Member
Hey I started a taper down today! 6-7 norcs yesterday 4 today... 3 tomorrow, 2 then 1... Then try not to refill again!
You can do it man! I'm right here with you. Its been 7 days, A whole week with no pain pills for me.

The cravings are pretty much gone, pain is at an annoying level but not severe, and my intestinal tract is in utter rebellion. It kinda feels like having a mild flu.

Emotionally is where I'm having a hard time. I just feel down, even with some decent sativa and some kratom. Things I normally enjoy just don't seem tempting, even sex doesn't have much appeal right now. I didn't even know I hadn't eaten yesterday until my girlfriend pointed it out and made me eat.

Just gotta ride it out a bit longer, I know i feel 10x better once my brain chemistry sorts itself out.

I'm not trying to discourage you [FONT=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif]Supchaka, we both know it gets worse before it gets better. BUT IT WILL GET BETTER![/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Thats funny cuz I feel everything the same way except for some reason my sex drive goes way up, odd considering I'll feel like I got hit by a bus!


Well-Known Member
I find mine returns with a vengeance as well. Which is wonderful because orgasm can make you forget about being sick for a moment.


Well-Known Member
Thats funny cuz I feel everything the same way except for some reason my sex drive goes way up, odd considering I'll feel like I got hit by a bus!
I feel like the bus keeps backing over me...

I always lose my sex drive when i've been on pills for a while, takes a week or two to come back.