Another Critical Blow to ObamaCare


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Documents Reveal Obamacare Website Couldn’t Handle More Than 1,100 Users Day Before Launch
WASHINGTON (CBS DC/AP) — Documents released by the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee show that a test on a day before its Oct. 1 launch revealed that the website could not handle more than 1,100 simultaneous users. “Currently we are able to reach 1100 users before response time gets too high,” the report indicates.

Didn't Kathleen Sebelius tell us that all the testing prior to the launch went well?
Democrats claimed that Obamacare was so much in demand that the site couldn't handle it.

A total of six enrollments on the first and Obama caught up in multiple lies in order to sell it.

We are witnessing a meltdown in the administration right before our eyes.

I hope to hell Hillary runs on the Obamacare platform.
Beenthere? why exactly are you so gleeful that people are not able to get healthcare? Why are you seeming to celebrate the fact that millions who do not have it, who need it, who have existing conditons, who have not been able to afford it, who are, in one way or another either quetly terrified or smply hopeless. Why is it such a celebration on your part that common, deserving folks are not able to get the care they need?

I just can't figure that out. You seem like a reasonable and compassionate person and yet you (and some of the others), not only don't seem to care what happens to your fellow americans, you are rejoycing in their misery.
Beenthere? why exactly are you so gleeful that people are not able to get healthcare? Why are you seeming to celebrate the fact that millions who do not have it, who need it, who have existing conditons, who have not been able to afford it, who are, in one way or another either quetly terrified or smply hopeless. Why is it such a celebration on your part that common, deserving folks are not able to get the care they need?

I just can't figure that out. You seem like a reasonable and compassionate person and yet you (and some of the others), not only don't seem to care what happens to your fellow americans, you are rejoycing in their misery.


I have a friend that is in jail for a few years, and I was thinking I wonder what happens when he gets out... with the fines for Obama care increasing each year he will have to file bankruptcy on the several thousand dollars worth of fines when he gets out...Or I wonder If he will get a waiver for the fines......It's just something I was thinking about...

I have a friend that is in jail for a few years, and I was thinking I wonder what happens when he gets out... with the fines for Obama care increasing each year he will have to file bankruptcy on the several thousand dollars worth of fines when he gets out...Or I wonder If he will get a waiver for the fines......It's just something I was thinking about...
I'm confidant he will be eligible for Medicad.

I have a friend that is in jail for a few years, and I was thinking I wonder what happens when he gets out... with the fines for Obama care increasing each year he will have to file bankruptcy on the several thousand dollars worth of fines when he gets out...Or I wonder If he will get a waiver for the fines......It's just something I was thinking about...

Damn good question actually. what happens to those folks? But I think that prisoners will likely fall into the category of insured, seeing as how they are in a sense. One would hope that those sorts of group policies are forced to meet the new minimum standards of care that all of ours are.
I'm confidant he will be eligible for Medicad.

That could be ....

I imagine that they will have a sign up drive to get them all covered.....I bet this adds a lot of extra work for the prison systems..everyone has to file their taxs now just to keep up with the Obama care records....Before they probably didn't give a shit if they didn't make any money..
That could be ....

I imagine that they will have a sign up drive to get them all covered.....I bet this adds a lot of extra work for the prison systems..everyone has to file their taxs now just to keep up with the Obama care records....Before they probably didn't give a shit if they didn't make any money..

Thank your Republican friends for that.
Beenthere? why exactly are you so gleeful that people are not able to get healthcare? Why are you seeming to celebrate the fact that millions who do not have it, who need it, who have existing conditons, who have not been able to afford it, who are, in one way or another either quetly terrified or smply hopeless. Why is it such a celebration on your part that common, deserving folks are not able to get the care they need?

I just can't figure that out. You seem like a reasonable and compassionate person and yet you (and some of the others), not only don't seem to care what happens to your fellow americans, you are rejoycing in their misery.

Why should somebody have to pay for someone else's healthcare? That's the part I don't get. I want somebody to help me pay for my truck but I don't think thats going to happen.
Beenthere? why exactly are you so gleeful that people are not able to get healthcare? Why are you seeming to celebrate the fact that millions who do not have it, who need it, who have existing conditons, who have not been able to afford it, who are, in one way or another either quetly terrified or smply hopeless. Why is it such a celebration on your part that common, deserving folks are not able to get the care they need?

I just can't figure that out. You seem like a reasonable and compassionate person and yet you (and some of the others), not only don't seem to care what happens to your fellow americans, you are rejoycing in their misery.

Why are you so happy that millions are getting thrown off their old policies that they liked despite repeated promises by the president...
Why should somebody have to pay for someone else's healthcare? That's the part I don't get. I want somebody to help me pay for my truck but I don't think thats going to happen.

The government wont pay for your truck but if you get a woman pregnant the government is more than willing to pay for the kid...
Why should somebody have to pay for someone else's healthcare? That's the part I don't get. I want somebody to help me pay for my truck but I don't think thats going to happen.

But BigEasy1, think. You DO pay for someone elses health care and you pay the more for it than you would otherwise. I have said this over and over again. No one is turned away from most ER. If they can't pay - YOU do. If someone has an expensive series of proceedures and appear to be able to pay but are unable to, they go bk, and YOU pay yet again. If a substancial portion of the population goes untreated for communicable diseases, YOU pay again, perhaps even with your life. In this case, people are forced to pay for their own care up front.
LOL....Obamacare gets worse every day, yet the talking heads are defiant. Isn't it funny how the Medicaid rolls are swelling, MORE FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS. As if supporting the anchor babies wasn't bad enough. If you can't support yourself and your children without government handouts, STOP HAVING THEM.
Why are you so happy that millions are getting thrown off their old policies that they liked despite repeated promises by the president...

I am not, you may not be following along with my particular story, but my wife and I have both been thrown off our policies. If those millions were left without recourse I would be very upset, but they are not. My question still holds. and you answered my question with another question. I answered yours with a statement. Can you do the same?
LOL....Obamacare gets worse every day, yet the talking heads are defiant. Isn't it funny how the Medicaid rolls are swelling, MORE FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS. As if supporting the anchor babies wasn't bad enough. If you can't support yourself and your children without government handouts, STOP HAVING THEM.

Now comes the imaginary solutions. Tell the masses to change their ways and then everything will be fine. Problem is that it doesn't work that way.

Reality tends to bite us in the ass. Those people DO ave babies they can't afford - many want to cut off methods for those people to quit having those unaffordable kids, I don't know if you are one. Point is that those babies are going to have to be taken care of and we as a society have a duty to do so.
But BigEasy1, think. You DO pay for someone elses health care and you pay the more for it than you would otherwise. I have said this over and over again. No one is turned away from most ER. If they can't pay - YOU do. If someone has an expensive series of proceedures and appear to be able to pay but are unable to, they go bk, and YOU pay yet again. If a substancial portion of the population goes untreated for communicable diseases, YOU pay again, perhaps even with your life. In this case, people are forced to pay for their own care up front.

I see both sides. If there was a sure fired mechanism to keep the deadbeats off it I would be willing to spread the cost fairly and evenly. Unfortunately, I'm jealous of people that get to stay home all day and chill out while I'm getting up and going to work. Until the cost are spread out fairly among all, I'm against it.
Why are you so happy that millions are getting thrown off their old policies that they liked despite repeated promises by the president...

Interesting you mention that, funny thing is, as it turns out, there are fewer people getting rolled off their insurance plan this year than the past few years consecutively. As a percentage, roughly 70% of current insured this year are being rolled off or have chosen a new policy, compared to over 80% last year. [pre obamacare]
LOL....Obamacare gets worse every day, yet the talking heads are defiant. Isn't it funny how the Medicaid rolls are swelling, MORE FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS. As if supporting the anchor babies wasn't bad enough. If you can't support yourself and your children without government handouts, STOP HAVING THEM.

Your premise fails, as does your logic. I suspect you haven't a clue as to how anything of this works. I don't want to bother explaining why, and I'm sure you won't bother reading up on things, so I guess this is wasted time for me. Fuck it.. whatever man.
I see both sides. If there was a sure fired mechanism to keep the deadbeats off it I would be willing to spread the cost fairly and evenly. Unfortunately, I'm jealous of people that get to stay home all day and chill out while I'm getting up and going to work. Until the cost are spread out fairly among all, I'm against it.

There will never be a sure way to prevent all fraud in a government system. Regardless, you are paying now. Would it be better if you pay now, knowing that many of those "deadbeats" are being forced to pay one way or another? either by fine or by being forced to purchase something that otherwise you would have to pay?

Beyond that, if you knew that 9 people who needed your assistance got it but one deadbeat got it as well, would that be good? how about 99 deserving people got it but one undeserving one did? where do you draw that line, knowing that if you expect 100 percent, then 99 people would go without?
I am not, you may not be following along with my particular story, but my wife and I have both been thrown off our policies. If those millions were left without recourse I would be very upset, but they are not. My question still holds. and you answered my question with another question. I answered yours with a statement. Can you do the same?

You and your wife are going to get fucked over by Obamacare... Good luck!!

Hope that was statementy enough for you....