
Well-Known Member
I just found out I lost another friend, a good one, to alcohol.

DAMN, that is three, THREE in two years.

Noonan, Bob, now Rohan

He had an oxy problem for a while but beat it. He was wealthy and lived in Kauaii, and after his bout with oxy, he continued to drink. None of his friends new how to stop him, I was asked to help but there was nothing I could do either. Rohan was one of the most fun people I ever had the pleasure to know and even after I left the island we kept in touch, and I kept in touch wth our other friends as well.

He was only 58.

I think there have been some preliminary studies that indicate that the abuse of alcohol goes down in areas where pot is commonly used. Don't know where I heard that, I doubt that it would have saved him, he, like I, found little use for pot, but still, perhaps, if things were different, a few more people would be saved.
Condolences indeed its never easy to lose a friend.

Alcohol is one of those little devils that gets overlooked. I almost gave up my life for drink and seen others do even worse. Why the general populace worries about things like LSD while chugging down liquor is one of the great mysteries in my mind.

All the best to you canndo and your friend and his family and loved ones.
Sorry to hear that man. Still kinda reeling from some losses myself.
"I think there have been some preliminary studies that indicate that the abuse of alcohol goes down in areas where pot is commonly used."

Or maybe people who like to get drunk also are willing to try and/or condone the use of other intoxicating substances! Getting fucked up is getting fucked up. Some drugs really aren't worth it but it's often very difficult to see that until it's too late. Try to take two for safety and consider what you do to your body in the name of fun on occasion and how to maximize the fun to damage ratio while maintaining a certain minimum level of fun.
One of my best friends I can't even talk to any more. He is fucking pickled with liquor. He can't go anywhere or do anything. Super cheap vodka that is cheaper than a lot of bottled water.... really smart, hard working person crippled from the drug alcohol.
Drinking is bad,I drink,but not liquor everyday..I've seen some hardcore alcoholics on tour,the 'swill kids' is the term..very bad scene..even worse when its a friend...
Sorry for the loss. Too bad he couldn't have given up the alcohol for weed. And living in Hawaii - wow, what good shit he could have grown. Sad all the way.
Alcohol is an inert substance, CANNOT effect ANYONE until the user, drinks it....much like a gun CANNOT kill anyone until the trigger is pulled...How about placing the BLAME on your alcoholic friend!!!...it's CALLED "Personal Accountablity"...Alex
Alcohol is an inert substance, CANNOT effect ANYONE until the user, drinks it....much like a gun CANNOT kill anyone until the trigger is pulled...How about placing the BLAME on your alcoholic friend!!!...it's CALLED "Personal Accountablity"...Alex

Nope, it's called addiction. A curious thing, part personal responsiblility, part biological distortion, part genetics. It is entirely possible that he just opted to end his life in this particular way rather than a quicker overdose or a gunshot to the head.

We won't know.
Im sorry to hear that my friend. My mom passed away on january 9th from pancreatict cancer and liver cancer. She drank like a fish for everyone of the 25yrs i was with her. A fifth of vodka in the AM and fifth in the PM. Its an addiction like none other. Boose should be a schedule one... Not marijuana!
R.I.P TO all that have suffered the ultimate
Nope, it's called addiction. A curious thing, part personal responsiblility, part biological distortion, part genetics. It is entirely possible that he just opted to end his life in this particular way rather than a quicker overdose or a gunshot to the head.

We won't know.
This is an "Apologist's reply...I am overweight...Blame it on the 50 Snickers Bars I inhale everyday, I'm a criminal....BLAME it on Society!!!...I'm a DRUNK!!...BLAME it on the Coors commercial, I watched as a kid, ad infinitum!!!.....Alex
This is an "Apologist's reply...I am overweight...Blame it on the 50 Snickers Bars I inhale everyday, I'm a criminal....BLAME it on Society!!!...I'm a DRUNK!!...BLAME it on the Coors commercial, I watched as a kid, ad infinitum!!!.....Alex

Damn dude.. how about a lil empathy ffs?? Dudes friend just died here and you're making a fool of.yourself imvho..
Everyone knows about personal responsibility here, but saying that some people are born pre-disposed to addiction, and alcohol being legal, it tends to get a pass where as some drugs that aren't legal tend to get frowned upon..

And to canndo.. sorry about your friend.. I'm sure you know that.you or anyone for that matter, can't make anyone stop drinking if they don't want it.for themselves.. props for trying though..
My condolenses to his family and friends though..
Alcohol is an inert substance, CANNOT effect ANYONE until the user, drinks it....much like a gun CANNOT kill anyone until the trigger is pulled...How about placing the BLAME on your alcoholic friend!!!...it's CALLED "Personal Accountablity"...Alex

You are literally a paragon of people I hate in real life. I'd say mean things, but I bet you"ll do it yourself.
You are literally a paragon of people I hate in real life. I'd say mean things, but I bet you"ll do it yourself.
So you hate me because I believe & practice "Personal Responsibility"?!.....Because personal actions result in consequences?!....I understand how your view could be so obscured, with your head buried Soooooo Deeply in the sand!!!...Alex
The funny thing is dude's username is opiated.. talk of.irony..
Nothing "Ironic" about me username being "Opiated"....I "Choose" that as my drug of choice, & make NO EXCUSES for my partaking of the perfumed smoke NOR do "I" blame anyone for my usage NOR the consequences!!!....Alex
Alcohol is an inert substance, CANNOT effect ANYONE until the user, drinks it....much like a gun CANNOT kill anyone until the trigger is pulled...How about placing the BLAME on your alcoholic friend!!!...it's CALLED "Personal Accountablity"...Alex

Much like your keyboard is an inert object, it cannot spew this lack of tact onto RIU until the user.....types it
So you hate me because I believe & practice "Personal Responsibility"?!.....Because personal actions result in consequences?!....I understand how your view could be so obscured, with your head buried Soooooo Deeply in the sand!!!...Alex

I hate you because the OP came on here and posted about just loosing a friend. Then you come on here lacking tact or common decency and post multiple times, all your posts showing your total lack of humanity, and trying to express how superior your "Personal Responsibility" is. Somewhere along the way when you grew up. You were supposed to learn "Personal Responsibility" of how to address people who have lost loved ones. Did you miss that class? or just missing class in general?

Totally agree with this poster when he says this "You are literally a paragon of people I hate in real life."

This is what you should have done. Like I am about to do...Watch, wait for it.

To the OP, my condolences on your loss.

Then you should have shut your mouth, went back in your hole and posted your opinions in a separate thread.
So you hate me because I believe & practice "Personal Responsibility"?!.....Because personal actions result in consequences?!....I understand how your view could be so obscured, with your head buried Soooooo Deeply in the sand!!!...Alex

No dude, he hates you because you're a dick head.

Sorry about your friend Canndo.