Conservatives hate your constitution

You seem to embrace individual liberty as long as individuals aren't so brazen as to actually exercise theirs.

civil rights doesn't stop you from being the white separatist that you have told us that you are.

unless, of course, you run a business that is open to the public. then you can't impose your racism on others.
i love how you compare al sharpton to the former grand wizard of the KKK with such ease, as if there were some moral equivalence there.

not telling at all.

before title II, the practices of racist business owners did infringe on the rights of others and cause harm. they did not get magically run out of town like you seem to imagine. they stayed open just fine.

this book stopped being published after civil rights was passed.


If you can compare today to 1960, I can compare Duke and Sharpton.

Why is title II necessary. You did say why you feel it WAS, that's a good step. Now tell us why you feel it IS.
I'm against segregation and FOR civil rights

but David Duke should be allowed to refuse service to blacks...

And Al Sharpton should be allowed to refuse service to whites.

ffs, you'd think I was asking you two to solve using the quadratic formula.

Yes, you seem to exist in a paradox reality wherein it is possible to be both for segregation and against it and where you are pro individual liberty but against civil rights.

Commence quadratic formula.
Wait... gotta google title 2

Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, or national origin in certain places of public accommodation, such as hotels, restaurants, and places of entertainment.

So what's wrong with that? Sounds pretty good to me.

that's because you are a reasonable, moderate republican, and not the owner of an impressive collection of white sheets.
where is your scorn for desert dude after he joined a white supremacists club?

Because I'm not sure he did. I've seen your stormfront shit you've pulled in the past and wonder how you know who membership was. I felt those racists posters were somebody's sockpuppets having fun, I suspect you were part of it.

Served many gays for years who unknowingly made this man very rich. Ask gay people if they'd rather he just kept his mouth shut so they could make him richer without knowing how he felt?

Do you think without title II he would ban gays?
Because I'm not sure he did.

he did.

he will not deny that he did.

he will deny that he currently is (which is easy since the group got deleted).

he will deny that he posted in that group (which is true as far as i know).

but he did join the final incarnation of the white supremacists club after being invited by known white supremacist shotgun420.
Desert Dude, you can settle this.

Did you knowingly join a white supremest group?

Sorry Buck, you have to understand how much shit you've pulled and forgive my skepticism.

Oh, and I'll accept a picture of Chick-fil-a as an answer to my question, thanks for finally getting there. You ever eat there? It's not bad, but I don't see the rage, it's still fast food.
Served many gays for years who unknowingly made this man very rich. Ask gay people if they'd rather he just kept his mouth shut so they could make him richer without knowing how he felt?

completely missed the point.

the point is not chick fil A, it is that the de facto leader of your wing of craziness would make it a proud, bragging point to go out of her way to support a business that was in the news specifically for their bigotry.

not much has changed since 50 years ago with respect to attitudes, but laws thankfully have.

if not for title II, the green book would still be necessary for many regions of the nation, especially the ones in red.*

ignorant racists and bigots like desert dude (and to a lesser extent, you) would not be boycotting that whites only restaurant if the next closest place that served fried eggs was 20 miles away. i can promise you that.

congratulations on having that as the leader of your party.
completely missed the point.

the point is not chick fil A, it is that the de facto leader of your wing of craziness would make it a proud, bragging point to go out of her way to support a business that was in the news specifically for their bigotry.

not much has changed since 50 years ago with respect to attitudes, but laws thankfully have.

if not for title II, the green book would still be necessary for many regions of the nation, especially the ones in red.*

ignorant racists and bigots like desert dude (and to a lesser extent, you) would not be boycotting that whites only restaurant if the next closest place that served fried eggs was 20 miles away. i can promise you that.

congratulations on having that as the leader of your party.

Sarah Palin is about as much of a leader to me as Jim Crowe is your leader.

So you feel title II is needed because of the south?
Sarah Palin is about as much of a leader to me as Jim Crowe is your leader.

sorry dude.

sarah palin is the leader of the immoderate right. there is no way around this.

So you feel title II is needed because of the south?

no, because racism.

now go ahead and compare sharpton, who preaches equality and is happy to march with anyone of any skin color, to david duke, former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

just be sure to demonstrate the moral equivalence through a detailed series of examples first, otherwise i'm gonna have to call that act as racist as opposing title II because desert dude is spitting on the fried eggs again.
No, you support a person's right to discriminate, therefore you are a racist.

Pro-tip: that has nothing to do with title II or chicken shit.

You support a person's right to discriminate too don't you? Should Hooters have to hire fat old guys?

I support a person's right to be gay, but I'm not gay.

I support a person's right to be a chickenshit and avoid questions, but I'm not a chickenshit who avoids questions.

Do we still need title II because of the south?
OK, for you I will answer this question, because you are a reasonable, honest person.

No, I did not knowingly join a white supremacist's group. I did not know that Shotgun420 was/is a white supremacist, and I still don't know that. What was the name of the supposed group, "Freedom of speech" or some such? I realize that Buck and a few others absolutely hate the constitution, so maybe a group named after the most cherished constitutional right would trigger their gag reflex but most normal people would not respond that way.

Buck did create a false account at stormfront in Red1966's name. Buck is a lying piece of shit and a propagandist and anybody who has paid attention to his posts knows it.

Wait you joined a white supremacist group unknowingly ??? How did that happen ?? What was the first clue