White Supremacist Takes DNA Test

i dont care about your poll or popular opinoin\

people like you is why we have toothpaste instructions

i could care less what the retards of this cuntry who still annually kill each other as a form of greed on a shopping holiday to happen later this month think

and who supported WMD without proof

that aint me doll

the American dream is fraud and the framers of the constitution who proclaimed all men were equal are direct hypocrites of their own document

i have nothing else i need to know other then their hypocrisy

history tells the rest of the story

200+ years of oppression

and a fake emancipation proclamation

share crop status crap
i dont care about your poll or popular opinoin\

people like you is why we have toothpaste instructions

i could care less what the retards of this cuntry who still annually kill each other as a form of greed on a shopping holiday to happen later this month think

and who supported WMD without proof

that aint me doll

the American dream is fraud and the framers of the constitution who proclaimed all men were equal are direct hypocrites of their own document

i have nothing else i need to know other then their hypocrisy

history tells the rest of the story

200+ years of oppression

and a fake emancipation proclamation

share crop status crap


still not following your ... ummm...

once again the wonder twins activate their vagueness powers . . . .

but i guess as long as you tel yourself the framers of the Constitution were not bigots then i guess you dont have to care about their philosophy or ideology

especially as it contradicts everything else they say

"all men created equal unless soemone other man says hes actually 1/5" some old dude

makes perfect sense
so are you goign to explain what you meant by "still not following your ... ummm...


what exactly are you lost on, that hypocrites don't do what they say or that the framers of the Constitution were slave owning men who thought all men were created equal

so im also not sure what you meant by your quandary
once again the wonder twins activate their vagueness powers . . . .

but i guess as long as you tel yourself the framers of the Constitution were not bigots then i guess you dont have to care about their philosophy or ideology

especially as it contradicts everything else they say

"all men created equal unless soemone other man says hes actually 1/5" some old dude

makes perfect sense

but in the context of their times, they were VISIONARIES, read the federalist papers and the documents of the founders.

thomas jefferson (slave holder) commented extensively on the disconnect between the constitution's high ideals and the keeping of slaves.

he worried that the contradiction would lead to a division of the union, and 4 score and 20 years later...

demanding perfection is great in theory, but in practice it is never so tidy.
no they were not

all men should be equal, the crowning achievement of their society, and a complete lie . . . . but go with it

they were just as political blowhards as GWJr and obama and every other dirty politician who says one thing and then benefits from its contradiction

the american dream . . smoke and mirrors
but in the context of their times, they were VISIONARIES, read the federalist papers and the documents of the founders.

thomas jefferson (slave holder) commented extensively on the disconnect between the constitution's high ideals and the keeping of slaves.

he worried that the contradiction would lead to a division of the union, and 4 score and 20 years later...

demanding perfection is great in theory, but in practice it is never so tidy.

excuses . . .

slavery was put up with for profit

everybody else is doing it is not an explanation, reason or excuse

its just lame
so are you goign to explain what you meant by "still not following your ... ummm...


what exactly are you lost on, that hypocrites don't do what they say or that the framers of the Constitution were slave owning men who thought all men were created equal

so im also not sure what you meant by your quandary

your comments were perplexing, full of slogans and loaded phrases which are only meaningful to YOU

you are well renowned for making comments that require tremendous effort to decode, usually because you are High As Fuck, but thats cool.

conversely, some use inexplicable phrases to conceal their real agenda, not because they are reefer addicts.

you and doer both tend to drop posts which leave most of us wondering...

your comments were perplexing, full of slogans and loaded phrases which are only meaningful to YOU

you are well renowned for making comments that require tremendous effort to decode, usually because you are High As Fuck, but thats cool.

conversely, some use inexplicable phrases to conceal their real agenda, not because they are reefer addicts.

you and doer both tend to drop posts which leave most of us wondering...

which comments and slogans and which ones do you think are loaded(now im curious to your reasoninhg )

please try to not be vague and obtuse

i have no issue explaining my self but if your only reason is to asset,infer and to project then i simply have little to say to you

excuses . . .

slavery was put up with for profit

everybody else is doing it is not an explanation, reason or excuse

its just lame

and thats why we dont do that shit no more.

some places **cough cough** The Islamic World **cough** STILL practice slavery as a matter of course.
and thats why we dont do that shit no more.

some places **cough cough** The Islamic World **cough** STILL practice slavery as a matter of course.

trying to change the subject i see

we are talking about American hypocrisy not islam

and ya it ended all of 60 years ago, and prejudice inbreed from the time of "all men are equal" still exist

their is no such thign as race, genetics markers yes, ancestry yes, but we are 99% similar and a small percentage different

if you cant grasp that i really cant help you

or did the civil rights movement just somehow miss you
which comments and slogans and which ones do you think are loaded(now im curious to your reasoninhg )

please try to not be vague and obtuse

i have no issue explaining my self but if your only reason is to asset,infer and to project then i simply have little to say to you


not being a bugger just being persistent, i would really like to hear any answer you are willing to give me from question from above
trying to change the subject i see

we are talking about American hypocrisy not islam

and ya it ended all of 60 years ago, and prejudice inbreed from the time of "all men are equal" still exist

their is no such thign as race, genetics markers yes, ancestry yes, but we are 99% similar and a small percentage different

if you cant grasp that i really cant help you

or did the civil rights movement just somehow miss you

the Civil Rights Movement didnt end slavery. that shit has been illegal in the US since Abe Lincoln went to the theater, and the performance by John Wilkes Booth Blew His Mind.
the Civil Rights Movement didnt end slavery. that shit has been illegal in the US since Abe Lincoln went to the theater, and the performance by John Wilkes Booth Blew His Mind.

i didn't mean to say it did, or if i didsay that , i meant minority rights (ya sorry about that)

we still deal with a lot of inbreed racism and it was inbreed into this country

other emerging nations at the time of teh writing of the constitution that also had slavery outlawed it and changed social stance much faster
which comments and slogans and which ones do you think are loaded(now im curious to your reasoninhg )

please try to not be vague and obtuse

i have no issue explaining my self but if your only reason is to asset,infer and to project then i simply have little to say to you


well for starters...

the biggest hypocrits . . "all men are created equal" excepot the men we men decide are worth 1/5

living document of lies

kinda like thanksgiving .. lies

im used to the stupid lying to themselves but people who support individuals who are devoid of inalienable morale's are questionable in every aspect of life

and imho do not deserve to be recognized as role models or figures to look up to.

learn from yes

but idolize no!

speaks a lot about a person when they allow their bias to conflict with what is unequivocally wrong or right

this one was very scattershot, if not scatterbrained.