Kite High Memorial Cinderella 99 Grow


Well-Known Member
nice to see you again puff. awesome c99 grow! [again]

cool of you to dedicate it to KH.


Well-Known Member
This C99 seems to pop up everywhere i turn these daze...must be the goodz.....and telling me to get my handz on her... So is the breeder of this?

Cool grow bruv. :)

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Looking fantastic Puff, Gona be some good smoke. Making Kite proud :)
I have been researching hempy buckets and i think that might be my next adventure. It's not full on hydro but the end result is same.. Just dont have the explosive early growth as with hydro. I got 6 Cindy clones i took yesterday that I'm going to try with the hempy buckets.


Well-Known Member
nice to see you again puff. awesome c99 grow! [again]

cool of you to dedicate it to KH.
Hey man,Nice to see you again too, thanks for the kind words, I hope the weed gods have been good to you.

This C99 seems to pop up everywhere i turn these daze...must be the goodz.....and telling me to get my handz on her... So is the breeder of this?

Cool grow bruv. :)
Thanks man, Yes this strain is the biz! It's female seeds version , I think it is the best

Looking fantastic Puff, Gona be some good smoke. Making Kite proud :)
I have been researching hempy buckets and i think that might be my next adventure. It's not full on hydro but the end result is same.. Just dont have the explosive early growth as with hydro. I got 6 Cindy clones i took yesterday that I'm going to try with the hempy buckets.
Cool man, keep us updated..

I had C99 from, and it was a great strain!
Yes mine is female seed company too.. it is amazing


Well-Known Member
Holy shit bisquit that looks amazing! How long did you let that girl go for?

If memory serves me right, it was around 9.5-10 weeks.... little longer than advertised, but I'm a dirt grower. :D

Thanks for the compliment, homie! Me and KH got into some good ole scrums about LED's and such, all in all, a great guy and a fantastic farmer.


Well-Known Member
She's looking good mate!
What is she about 5 weeks in? My memory isn't the best and Cindy usually looks older than she is.


Well-Known Member
9.5 weeks bisquit.. ouch.. i think i'll take her at 8 regardless..

she was just over 4 weeks there duck

Here she is at the 5 week mark. She has burnt up on me a bit , mostly the upper leaves. Think I might start giving her half strength.. or maybe just revert back to biobizz for the ending.

SHe still needs to fatten up a hell of a lot and i'm getting worried. The main colas are not solid lumps of bud yet but collection of small buds.. really need something to happen soon to put my mind at ease. Sure shes frosty but i need some swell soon!

Lots of things goin through my mind, perhaps this food for chillies is too rich in N and is slowing the budding down some? But then i would surely have N toxicity symptoms ..

here is the pics anyway, I have managed to keep her resembling a living plant better than i did in my last journal so i guess i have made improvements.



Well-Known Member
She looks a bit heat stressed to me. The way the leaves are going like taco shells and pointing up usually means they're too hot. That can keep them from packing on buds.
The tip burn is the only thing I'm seeing that could indicate overfert and I still am not convinced it's not just from chlorine in your water.


Well-Known Member
could be duck, the closet setup leaves a lot to be desired for the perfect growing environment.. I feel lucky to get any bud at all growing in there when I see guys on here with intake and extraction, c02, hydroponics etc.

I just don't get why she is only stressing the heat now.. she has been fine until last week.

The chorline theory was plausible as I had been setting my water out for a few days at the start then got lazy and started taking it from the tap right around when this started.. that could be something.. I have started leaving it out again.

Ah well, only a few weeks left and i can yank all the leaves off anyway.

might go with lemon skunk next grow, only plant to give me no headaches so far.

I guess this journal has shown that you don't need the bloom food after all, she is budding just fine.. lets just hope she starts to finish up quick like shes supposed to.


Well-Known Member
ok finally bit the bullet and gave it that flush you suggested. What a pain in the ass.

I hope i gave it enough. I usually water with 2 liters of water, I ran about 15 liters through the pot. The first few liters of run off was almost brown.. must have been an insanely high ec.

By the end it was coming out still a little colored but almost clear.. it was lights off time anyway so i had to stop. I finished by giving her a normal feed of biobizz.

If i start to see any defs i'll start with the chili food again. I really think this chilli food is very very good feed, i just need to dial it in.. perhaps i should have started at 10 mls instead of full strength, and upped the dose if needed instead of frying her in the end..

I've learned a new lesson..


Well-Known Member
Right on Puff, she's still looking bloody good mate. She'll thicken up from here on. I see what you mean with the slight nute burn but it doesnt look too bad.

The chlorine in the water has got me thinking about what was happening with my last grow....hmm will start leaving my water out over night from now on too ;)

Bring her home Puff, she's pretty damn frosty :D


Well-Known Member
You can also use a small anount of vitamin C to neutralize it. I'll look up the correct dilution ratios. Then it only takes a minute. Or you can be lazy and suffer burnt tips like me. I use leaf color more than tip burn to look for over fert.
I hope flushing and feeding sets things right. She is really frosty!


Well-Known Member
Ah yes Duck, is it the ascorbic acid that nutralises the chlorine? Seems logical! Can you by pure vitamin c though without buying it in orange flavoured tablets lol
I usually go by leaf colouring too, i get burnt tips but not for long.
Hope the flush works too Puff, im sure it will :)