Should Insurance Companies Have to Take Back Their Customers

Hell, if we had one more liberal justice, outlawing Americans the right to own guns would be constitutional.

The thing I love most about the internet is how blowhards make random nonsense comments like they are fact.

The Obama administration has only proposed one piece of gun legislation. That was that whole "common sense" after Sandy Hook gun reform thing for universal background check that goes a little bit past the NIC checks already done. Strangely the laws they proposed are all already in effect in my state and we have a republican governor. A don't tell anyone but a lot of us has guns.

But lets not get distracted with facts.
So Obama controls the court in some way? I bet he would disagree since he really only has the two big wins gay marriage and the ACA
He actually has the worse record of getting things thru the high court feel free to google but I am sure you watch enough fox news to know that's true I can think of a few big ones that got shot down but I am sure a well inform person like yourself could tell me more
Voting rights
tort reform

But what do I know I am just a gun owning weed smoking liberal.
So to my understanding the only people losing their policy are those that have policy that don't protect them from being dropped if they get sick or that have limits on care deem not sufficient to protect he from critical illness? Why exactly would they want to keep those policies?

Also if you get sick and can't pay then tax payers foot the whole bill with more people paying to the health care system then less tax dollars go to it note I didn't say no tax dollars just less. I mean we know this can work for the better for the people. It was successful in Mass. Hell look at the UK or Canada or France or Israel or Cuba or ect...
The thing I love most about the internet is how blowhards make random nonsense comments like they are fact.

The Obama administration has only proposed one piece of gun legislation. That was that whole "common sense" after Sandy Hook gun reform thing for universal background check that goes a little bit past the NIC checks already done. Strangely the laws they proposed are all already in effect in my state and we have a republican governor. A don't tell anyone but a lot of us has guns.

But lets not get distracted with facts.
So Obama controls the court in some way? I bet he would disagree since he really only has the two big wins gay marriage and the ACA
He actually has the worse record of getting things thru the high court feel free to google but I am sure you watch enough fox news to know that's true I can think of a few big ones that got shot down but I am sure a well inform person like yourself could tell me more
Voting rights
tort reform

But what do I know I am just a gun owning weed smoking liberal.

I was replying to your comment that the supreme court found obamacare constitutional.
You're not understanding the premise of my explanation.

The supreme court does NOT write the constitution nor amend it, they only interpret it.
Therefore, if a bill got through congress outlawing Americans to have guns and the court was stacked with majority liberal justices, you tell me what would happen.
So to my understanding the only people losing their policy are those that have policy that don't protect them from being dropped if they get sick or that have limits on care deem not sufficient to protect he from critical illness? Why exactly would they want to keep those policies?

Also if you get sick and can't pay then tax payers foot the whole bill with more people paying to the health care system then less tax dollars go to it note I didn't say no tax dollars just less. I mean we know this can work for the better for the people. It was successful in Mass. Hell look at the UK or Canada or France or Israel or Cuba or ect...

Sorry but you're way off.

Millions are losing their current insurance policies because of the new laws in Obamacare mandate it.
And insurance companies cannot drop you if you get sick, that's a myth.
So to my understanding the only people losing their policy are those that have policy that don't protect them from being dropped if they get sick or that have limits on care deem not sufficient to protect he from critical illness? Why exactly would they want to keep those policies?

Also if you get sick and can't pay then tax payers foot the whole bill with more people paying to the health care system then less tax dollars go to it note I didn't say no tax dollars just less. I mean we know this can work for the better for the people. It was successful in Mass. Hell look at the UK or Canada or France or Israel or Cuba or ect...

.14 cents a day

And you get your moneys worth (snickers)
So to my understanding the only people losing their policy are those that have policy that don't protect them from being dropped if they get sick or that have limits on care deem not sufficient to protect he from critical illness? Why exactly would they want to keep those policies?

Also if you get sick and can't pay then tax payers foot the whole bill with more people paying to the health care system then less tax dollars go to it note I didn't say no tax dollars just less. I mean we know this can work for the better for the people. It was successful in Mass. Hell look at the UK or Canada or France or Israel or Cuba or ect...

Lots of policies are being dropped because the don't include abortion coverage, or birth control etc , but many of the people being dropped are MEN. Obviously men do not need that kind of coverage, just like women don't need coverage for testicular cancer or male pattern baldness.
Lets encourage Americans not to buy into an unconstitutional healthcare [Law].

it's actually constitutional, you idiot.

but don't let facts or reality get in your racially resentful ways. keep insinuating that the president is a tyrant, a messiah, and hates the constitution.

racist moron.
Even if it costs them money to do it?
Does the president have the legal authority to change the law without congressional approval?

I'm also curious as to who will get the blame for the millions that may not get their plans back.

The White House effort to blame insurance companies for lost plans

The Pinocchio Test

Blaming the insurance companies can only go so far. First of all, the administration wrote the rules that set the conditions under which plans lose their grandfathered status. But more important, the law has an effective date so far in the past that it virtually guaranteed that the vast majority of people currently in the individual market would end up with a notice saying they needed to buy insurance on the Obamacare exchanges.

The administration’s effort to pin the blame on insurance companies is a classic case of misdirection. Between 75 and 95 percent of the problem stems from the effective date, but the White House chooses to keep the focus elsewhere.

Three Pinocchios

I guess when blaming Bush has run it's course, Obama and his team will try and lay this pile of shit at someone else's feet...
Lots of policies are being dropped because the don't include abortion coverage, or birth control etc , but many of the people being dropped are MEN. Obviously men do not need that kind of coverage, just like women don't need coverage for testicular cancer or male pattern baldness.

There is a flaw in your logic. Insurance policies are not sex specific. They list the care that is and is not covered for the level of coverage you have.

If you would like to be informed feel free to search for the "10 essential benefits" all plan are suppose to have. In order to be compliant with the law.

Would it make sense to require people to purchase health care if it doesn't cover basic needs?
Cheezy already tried that dance and scurried away like a rat.
Care to take a crack at it, give some proof that insurance companies drop their insured because the get sick or you can join Chezzy.

It is called insurance rescission google it.

The funny thing is this is the information age I assume you have a PC because your posting here. In the time it takes you to post misinformation you could find the truth.
There is a flaw in your logic. Insurance policies are not sex specific. They list the care that is and is not covered for the level of coverage you have.

If you would like to be informed feel free to search for the "10 essential benefits" all plan are suppose to have. In order to be compliant with the law.

Would it make sense to require people to purchase health care if it doesn't cover basic needs?

There is a major flaw in your rebuttal. You are agreeing with me 100%, not in disagreement at all. You cannot get "Sex Specific" insurance anymore due to the law, those people that did have such insurance (millions of people)have been kicked off those plans and have to go shop for new ones that comply with the law.

You understand now?
It is called insurance rescission google it.

The funny thing is this is the information age I assume you have a PC because your posting here. In the time it takes you to post misinformation you could find the truth.

That is something completely different. Falsifying documentation or leaving information out is called fraud and you can't expect insurance companies to provide coverage to people intending to defraud them do you? I realize that people may have not been careful enough when filling out paperwork and gotten themselves rescinded, but thems is a minority of people. Nothing works 100% people always fall through the cracks.
That is something completely different. Falsifying documentation or leaving information out is called fraud and you can't expect insurance companies to provide coverage to people intending to defraud them do you? I realize that people may have not been careful enough when filling out paperwork and gotten themselves rescinded, but thems is a minority of people. Nothing works 100% people always fall through the cracks.

Let me know if you need me to smoke your weed for you too

In health insurance and specifically the individual and small group insurance markets, rescissions have generally followed the diagnosis of an expensive-to-treat illness in the patient (policyholder), typically because of withheld information about a pre-existing medical condition.[SUP][7][/SUP] Public awareness of this practice increased during the 2009 US healthcare debate, when it was described colloquially as "cancel coverage when you get sick". The practice of health insurance rescission was partially limited starting September 23, 2010,[SUP][8][/SUP] following the adoption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010. A House committee report[SUP][9][/SUP] found that WellPoint Inc., UnitedHealth Group and Assurant rescinded policies for more than 20,000 people over a five-year period;[SUP][7][/SUP] the House report also highlighted 13 particular cases.[SUP][9][/SUP]