I live in GA, the AVERAGE house that I am looking for is going to be around 75-90k. There is no legal growing (yet). I really do plan to grow inside my parents home for a year. I already talked with my parents about moving into the basement, they would allow it as long as I fix it up (insulation and building rooms and what not). My parents and I have a cool relationship where they don't get into my business, so I wouldn't expect them to ever go downstairs (especially if I had everything locked down). Like I said, I am taking every precaution possible. Also I do not plan to grow commercially, it would just be a small room. My original intention was to just set it up so I can technically smoke for free and sell some amounts to friends to pay for costs. But now, I have taken into consideration that it is their home, I would be willing to work my ass off, and save up profits so I can move out ASAP. I want to financially secure so should I not be able to profit from my grow for whatever reason, I do have to worry about how I am going to pay for the house.First of all, home prices vary hugely depending on where you are. IN KS that house could cost 100K, in San Fran it could be 800K. Secondly, a down payment need not be much (10-20%), But you can't get a loan without income to show you can pay the mortgage.
If your parents are not on board with this (a) they will catch you (b) it is hugely wrong to grow commercially (or at all) in their home. You are putting their assets at huge risk.
Go to college, earn a living, buy a house. The easy money route will get you a house to live in for 20-30 year, a big house. In fact, THE big house.
I appreciate the sarcasmyou should easily be able to earn a million dollars or so every year. don't let tha haters discourage you lad.
Main reason I plan to move out ASAP.Do realize that you are risking losing your parents house? Very inconsiderate to say the least. Recipe for disaster!
Isn't it better to plan than continue to grow inside my parent's basement? I know there are probably way more people like me that just grow inside their closets not planning to move out and taking the riskIts a bad idea to plan that fare ahead without having your own place to live.
$1 million a year off of 8 plants on average every 4 weeks? C'mon now, only possible if every plant grew a metric ton every time!im not being scartastic