IRS defines new rules for 501cs

I'm not a second class citizen, you know a convicted felon... enjoy the rights the state LETS you have...

MMk baby. Well make sure to eat up all those yummy rights. And FEEL free to join in. I know it seems a little weird at first, but, it's natural to you...honey. Just feel it. I know you can. I can spot in in your redderick. You're hungry for the male loving. I have all that and more for you, sweetness..

It's ok......we accept you

MMk baby. Well make sure to eat up those rights. Feel free to join in. I know it seems a little weird at first, but, it's natural to you...honey. Just feel it. I know you can. I can spot in in your redderick. You're hungry for the male loving. I have all that and more for you, sweetness..

Is redderick another prison term? or institutionalisation got the better of you?
Just sit your cute little head down on the pillow, k?

EDIT: OOP - ---- no no no, we don't like biting ok sweetheart?
*rhetoric... And isn't it thanksgiving over there? are convicted felons allowed to partake?

*jealousy Anyone is always aloud to partake. even you, Eche. That is, if you're looking to be honest with yourself. We embrace all our gay brothers and sisters, no matter what their TRANSgressions are. :)

Join the fucking crowd, man. We're all here. We're just like you. Except for the bigotry, hatred, and self doubt....We don't judge. We love diversity.
*jealousy Anyone is always aloud to partake. even you, Eche. That is, if you're looking to be honest with yourself. We embrace all our gay brothers and sisters, no matter what their TRANSgressions are. :)

I'm not jealous you can't spell rhetoric*. Nah tried it once it wasn't for me, each to their own I suppose.
*jealousy Anyone is always aloud to partake. even you, Eche. That is, if you're looking to be honest with yourself. We embrace all our gay brothers and sisters, no matter what their TRANSgressions are. :)

Do you prefer a particular cock? Or are you open to all colors and creeds? I thought you guys had to stay with your own. Do you make your hooch in your partners anus?
I do see a brown prog and a black prog in the crowd, pretty diverse.

how do you know they are progs? It looks like a some kind of emo/goth/vampire rally with shitty production values. Doesn't even look like the band has any foldback, but I bet they sound awesome
Do you prefer a particular cock? Or are you open to all colors and creeds? I thought you guys had to stay with your own. Do you make your hooch in your partners anus?

All colors, creeds, all true blue don't give a fuck punkers, and fags are welcome. Interested? Sure, sounds that way. Holler at me for more info.
shure* bro...


Baby. I PROMISE it'll be ok. We'll get through this together. It's going to be hard getting over your Nazi-white-trash-overtones, and ignorant bullshit, but I have patience, and understanding. ....
Baby. I PROMISE it'll be ok. We'll get through this together. It's going to be hard getting over your Nazi-white-trash-overtones, and ignorant bullshit, but I have patience, and understanding. ....


As long as we're in this together...