New Member
Please don't touch the inside of my butthole during dinner....
what do pinworms kids say?
Please don't touch the inside of my butthole during dinner....
You are a narcissistic little man aren't you... "I love free speech"
LOL... Actually buck claimed his wife was a size 8 AU, he was lying obviously. I've never been arrested, let alone incarcerated. If you think that makes a man, you are downright retarded and it's no wonder your kids a zombie. Have you been to jail?
So in other words you're an idiot. thanks for the confirmation convict.
as a convict you must be a great provider...![]()
yet you post stormfront links here
while proclaiming you're trying to rid the place of "holocaust deniers and white supremacists"... Yep you're an all round humanitarian...
Didn't you stalk NietzscheKeen and then out his name on a public forum? You're a low cunt rat...
i posted the stormfront presidential poll to show that stormfront prefers right wing candidates.
there's a difference between posting a link to demonstrate a point and joining the white supremacy group of an admitted stormfront member who wandered over here (twice).
most of the rest of them have left. why haven't you?
RIU was down so i googled the names of a few assholes here to see if they posted elsewhere.
lo and behold, nietzschekeen's dating profile came up when i googled him.
so i started a fake account as "aunt chanice" and used a prominent democrat as my avatar, and HE CONTACTED ME. i did not initiate contact.
i was so nice that i even cut him off very soon because i felt bad for him. but i did let him know who i was.
he freaked out, deleted his profile, and never posted on rollitup again.
i am very proud that i rid RIU of the admitted white supremacist and holocaust denier whose group you joined twice.
Dear Diary,
Today, a convict told me it is some kind of male initiation rite to get yourself incarcerated, said individual wears it like a badge of honour. He expected me to celebrate his criminality, I suspect he's just dirty his name isn't Zimmerman.
Dicey conditions, including car bombs, attacks on consulate, British embassy, and our own people. Islamist 'hit list' in Benghazi. Me targeted on a pro-Q [Qaeda? Qaddafi?] website (no more off-compound jogging).
End of entry.
Coincidentally, I am. I make $65,000 a year. My family, and I are happy.
EDIT: Thinking about it, you must make 3 times as that being a snitch....What does ratting out fellow growers nail you these days anyway?
More an indictment of your own nationality and limited means* than anything else... You just admitted to being convicted of a blue collar crime.
More an indictment of your own nationality and limited means* than anything else... You just admitted to being convicted of a blue collar crime.
that's the long way of saying you ratted out someone's real name here on a public board. congrats, would you like a medal?
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You sort of fit into that last 1%.....but that's all......still means you'll rat......because that's what you are at heart.
people who've are institutionalised never seem to be able to read between the lines. keep on a failing there convictWhat nationality is that again? And why exactly does it matter?