IRS defines new rules for 501cs

Originally Posted by echelon1k1
You running my patience and i'm not above sending someone round to your house...

that's not ratting... epic fail stormfrontBUCK*

Have I outed your real name here?
I don't have any friends that are convicts. Best not to hang around with the undesirable element of society - that's why we cage people like you.


If you did, they would have sold you out to me for a 1/2 pack of methols about 10 posts ago. GOP decomposeur.
When I finally get locked? :lol: Nah bro, prison is for people like you who can't display self control or you wouldn't be in prison having every aspect of daily life dictated to you :lol:

You're boring. Nao a part of my daily soundtrack :

What will all these bigots do, when there's no one left?
Surplus population is growing all around the world. What's your idea to quell the over population of prisons? Minorities, immigrants and poor.. We'll burn the police state, assassinate the magistrate. We'll go to every town, burn their fucking police down. Next they'll hunt the handicapped, disabled blind and def. What will all you bigots do when, there's no one left?
You're boring. Nao a part of my daily soundtrack :

What will all these bigots do, when there's no one left?

I notice you chose to post a video entitled "leftover crack"... Is that a prison term I'm not aware of?
Surplus population is growing all around the world. What's your idea to quell the over population of prisons? Minorities, immigrants and poor.. We'll burn the police state, assassinate the magistrate. We'll go to every town, burn their fucking police down. Next they'll hunt the handicapped, disabled blind and def. What will all you bigots do when, there's no one left?

Surplus population is the first giveaway...
I notice you chose to post a video entitled "leftover crack"... Is that a prison term I'm not aware of?

Awe, sweety. No No. I gave up on your bigotry about 10 posts ago. It's ok. I forgive you being a complete racist, sexist, homophobe. I knew the whole time you only meant to be ironic about the whole thing!!!!! HAhahahahaha. Good one. Just make sure, that you don't advance in life.........