IRS defines new rules for 501cs

Funny you say that while your hand is up your daughters.

An attack on my firstborn. Original.


"Daddy. Can I have some more of his ignorant, and racist brains? They are so tasty.."

"No, darling, I'm afraid he'll need the rest of those brain cells to keep arguing about how keeping a mullet, and explaining how not understanding simple math has saved him, and given him a healthy, and productive outlook on life."
An attack on my firstborn. Original.

View attachment 2909084

"Daddy. Can I have some more of his ignorant, and racist brains? They are so tasty.."

"No, darling, I'm afraid he'll need the rest of those brain cells to arguing about how keeping a mullet, and explaining how how not understanding simple math has saved him, and given him a healthy, and productive outlook on life."

your firstborn eats brains? Lucky you got brad pitt up in your shit...
An attack on my firstborn. Original.

View attachment 2909084

"Daddy. Can I have some more of his ignorant, and racist brains? They are so tasty.."

"No, darling, I'm afraid he'll need the rest of those brain cells to keep arguing about how keeping a mullet, and explaining how not understanding simple math has saved him, and given him a healthy, and productive outlook on life."

he seriously joined a white supremacy and holocaust denial group three times.

the first time he joined it, the group was called "white nationalists and white separatists".

i shit you not.

LMFAO Son, you couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it.

i just did.
Serioulsy?! I was just about to give the guy the time of day...

he seriously joined a white supremacy and holocaust denial group three times.

the first time he joined it, the group was called "white nationalists and white separatists".

i shit you not.
Serioulsy?! I was just about to give the guy the time of day...

completely serious.

sadly, you were not around for those groups.

after the "white nationalists and white separatists" group was deleted by its originator, they renamed the group the "tacoburritonacho" group in order to try to hide the group from me so that i wouldn't find it.

sketchy etchy claims that this move to gain more anonymity was actually done to piss me off.

yes, they are not the best liars in the world.

but they are pretty bitter and hateful.
like i said sketchy etchy, i can forget all about your involvement with those groups if you ever decide to stop being such a bitter little person.
He's just doing his best to spread the love. Let's see if he has anything original to say......................nothing? Meh. Figures.