IRS defines new rules for 501cs

a conservative republican targeted suspicious groups regardless of political stripe.

darrell issa tried to manufacture a fake scandal out of it and got caught lying, elijah cummings handed his ass to him.

beenthere never got the memo that the fake scandal was exposed as fake and made a gigantic ass out of himself, yet again.

the end.



The IRS officially apologized.
a conservative republican targeted suspicious groups regardless of political stripe.

darrell issa tried to manufacture a fake scandal out of it and got caught lying, elijah cummings handed his ass to him.

beenthere never got the memo that the fake scandal was exposed as fake and made a gigantic ass out of himself, yet again.

the end.



You obviously didn't move to San Jose for a job opportunity. You have WAY too much time on your hands. Get a life.
it's a popularity contest with these halfwits...
None of them are ever any good at the details. Like Dog There saying Switzerland was a Nordic country, Or See4 saying wage earners don't get paid vacation, or Cheezy saying anything. I could go on and on, but I hope you get the picture. Travis isn't any better, he has already made a fool of himself with what he thinks is such a zing, but it isn't.

how long will it take before one of them figures it out?
None of them are ever any good at the details. Like Dog There saying Switzerland was a Nordic country, Or See4 saying wage earners don't get paid vacation, or Cheezy saying anything. I could go on and on, but I hope you get the picture. Travis isn't any better, he has already made a fool of himself with what he thinks is such a zing, but it isn't.

how long will it take before one of them figures it out?

You are a straight up bitch, bro.

i can explain it: they closed the white supremacy and holocaust denial groups that he was so fond of joining.

You're trying to tell me he doesn't believe that thousands of innocent people died in the holocaust AND that he's a transparently racist douchenozzle who enjoys involving himself with supremists, when he's not out actively destroying the community with his rampant douchebaggery? Oh, Buck.....Buck. Say, it ain't so.
haha, you STILL haven't figured it out!!

The first one that does will get a Rep point from me.

What's to figure out? We all do it to some extent. Like you and "stealing" material from websites without a motherfucking cite? But who fucking cares. We're all high. Fuck the man. What I don't get is why they deep throat the man and not even gag?
i can explain it: they closed the white supremacy and holocaust denial groups that he was so fond of joining.

yeah I'm sure you can explain it by posting some "stormfront" crap - Stick to what you do best, comparing your life partner to a walrus.