Bashir Resigns over Palin comments

Notice how not one liberal has shown up and pointed out that he deserved to get fired...

Lets just side track the conversation and maybe call some people racists so we can avoid the topic of the liberal left actually being the perpetrators of the war on women...

See4 said he deserved to get canned in the second post.
See4 said he deserved to get canned in the second post.

They choose to only see what makes things convenient for their argument. Nothing else. He either did not read my comment or chose to ignore it. In either case he is only sticking to his talking points.
So far as I know, Dukes is not in the same league as Sharpton. No murders were instigated by Dukes, no destroying an innocent man with false charges. Sharpton is an evil bastard, which explains his warm embrace by MSNBC and you progs.

what a fine and elegant defense of the former grand wizard of the KU KLUX KLAN from desert dude.

but he swears he is not racist.

Says the racist trying to divert attention to others falsely.

desert dude is not racist, he just thinks blacks can't speak properly and has an unnatural obsession with al sharpton.

he also likes to put in a good word for david duke every once in a while.

totally not racist.
desert dude is not racist, he just thinks blacks can't speak properly and has an unnatural obsession with al sharpton.

he also likes to put in a good word for david duke every once in a while.

totally not racist.

I think African Americans speak just fine. James Earl Jones has a magnificent voice and is widely admired for his speaking ability, and is a stutterer to boot. Louis Farrakan is a mesmerizing speaker.

I know you can't be honest because you would lose the last shred of credibility you posses.

Sharpton is a vile human, but you admire him. He incited the murders of at least two innocent people in Crown Heights, and specifically targeted Jews. He is probably a holocaust denier, Buck, which seems to be one of your pet peeves. He practices the sort of racism that you approve of, so he gets a pass from you poor persecuted progressives.
I think African Americans speak just fine.

i had a sig for a while that directly contradicts your words here.

Sharpton is a vile human, but you admire him.

citation needed.

you really shouldn't even bother. sketchy etchy already tried, the best he could do was me saying "al might not be the best guy".

you get down with your bad self though. just don't join too many more white supremacy groups, like you have been known to do in the past.
i had a sig for a while that directly contradicts your words here.

citation needed.

you really shouldn't even bother. sketchy etchy already tried, the best he could do was me saying "al might not be the best guy".

you get down with your bad self though. just don't join too many more white supremacy groups, like you have been known to do in the past.

I never said blacks "can't" speak correct English, I said many blacks "choose" to speak non-standard English resulting in their marginalization.

Regarding Sharpton, the truth is out there but you go right ahead and defending the Jew-hating racist, it is what you do well.
I never said blacks "can't" speak correct English, I said many blacks "choose" to speak non-standard English resulting in their marginalization.

no, you said they "shun" things such as "speaking properly".

but good job on trying to invent a narrative where the plight of blacks is all self-created and self-perpetuated, i would expect no less from a former member of rollitup's white supremacy groups.

Regarding Sharpton, the truth is out there but you go right ahead and defending the Jew-hating racist, it is what you do well.

if you have a problem with jew haters, you should probably stop defending david duke, the former grand wizard of the KKK.

but what other choice does a former member of rollitup's white supremacy groups have?
no, you said they "shun" things such as "speaking properly".

but good job on trying to invent a narrative where the plight of blacks is all self-created and self-perpetuated, i would expect no less from a former member of rollitup's white supremacy groups.

if you have a problem with jew haters, you should probably stop defending david duke, the former grand wizard of the KKK.

but what other choice does a former member of rollitup's white supremacy groups have?

I wonder what ossified Democratic US senator and former grand wizard of the Klan, Robert Byrd, thought of Jews?
no, you said they "shun" things such as "speaking properly".

but good job on trying to invent a narrative where the plight of blacks is all self-created and self-perpetuated, i would expect no less from a former member of rollitup's white supremacy groups.

if you have a problem with jew haters, you should probably stop defending david duke, the former grand wizard of the KKK.

but what other choice does a former member of rollitup's white supremacy groups have?

All? No, not all, but a significant amount is. Unlike you, I don't treat African Americans as dim-witted children, I treat them with the same respect and expectations as every other group of Americans. Very few of us have had a fairy tale, Camelot existence. Tough shit. Suck it up and move on.
All? No, not all, but a significant amount is. Unlike you, I don't treat African Americans as dim-witted children, I treat them with the same respect and expectations as every other group of Americans. Very few of us have had a fairy tale, Camelot existence. Tough shit. Suck it up and move on.

that''s demonstrably false.

how many times did you go on and on about how martin should have known his place and gone home, yet defended zimmerman endlessly in his right to chase after whatever innocent black kid he wanted to?

you have very clear double standards for black people, exactly what we would expect from someone like you who joins white supremacy groups.
that''s demonstrably false.

how many times did you go on and on about how martin should have known his place and gone home, yet defended zimmerman endlessly in his right to chase after whatever innocent black kid he wanted to?

you have very clear double standards for black people, exactly what we would expect from someone like you who joins white supremacy groups.

So, that is the source of the sand in your diseased vagina? You are weepy because you chose to endlessly defend a common street thug who met his demise at the business end of a pistol used in clear self-defense? All I can suggest is get over it, bitch, that ship has sailed.
So, that is the source of the sand in your diseased vagina? You are weepy because you chose to endlessly defend a common street thug who met his demise at the business end of a pistol used in clear self-defense? All I can suggest is get over it, bitch, that ship has sailed.


a black kid walking home from the store with skittles is now a "common street thug" according to the guy who joins white supremacy groups.

the only person who was truly exercising self defense was the kid who was chased down by a vigilante while walking home from the store. chasing after someone is not what people who don't join white supremacy groups would ever call "clear self defense".

you are clearly not a sane, rational person. those white supremacy groups you joined rotted your already feeble noggin.