
Liberal justice system? I thought people on here mostly smoked pot, not crack...

Beennowhere is a special case in that he enjoys smoking meth and twacking to right wing radio, which is how he gets his opinions on everything because he's too twacked and stupid to come to his own conclusions.
This isn't news, the legal argument is, but a 16 year old getting drunk and killing 4+ people happens yearly around these parts. Few years ago kid and all his buddies piled into a blazer come over a hill where there are train tracks. 70+ MPH on a gravel road. Ooops train on the track. 6 dead kids, driver lived. No jail, no prison. I can remember 3 such incidents in which the driver lived and 2 in which the driver was killed. One of my friends killed some other friends of ours in a car accident too and brain damaged another. No time served for that one either.

No one ever argued affluenza though, I need a lawyer like that!! That's like Johnnie Cochran's "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit." defense of OJ.

In every incident in which this has happened, alcohol was involved.

That's where the news really is, but no one wants to touch the legal drug of choice for so many.

Affluenza, man that is quite the argument.
This isn't news, the legal argument is, but a 16 year old getting drunk and killing 4+ people happens yearly around these parts. Few years ago kid and all his buddies piled into a blazer come over a hill where there are train tracks. 70+ MPH on a gravel road. Ooops train on the track. 6 dead kids, driver lived. No jail, no prison. I can remember 3 such incidents in which the driver lived and 2 in which the driver was killed. One of my friends killed some other friends of ours in a car accident too and brain damaged another. No time served for that one either.

No one ever argued affluenza though, I need a lawyer like that!! That's like Johnnie Cochran's "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit." defense of OJ.

In every incident in which this has happened, alcohol was involved.

That's where the news really is, but no one wants to touch the legal drug of choice for so many.

Affluenza, man that is quite the argument.

Well it's not news because of the deaths, it's news because of the injustice that was done. This rich little fuck gets off scot free because his parents have money after taking god knows how much valium and drinking on it, driving his car, killing 3 people and rendering one brain dead. This is Texas, the kid should be strung up from a lamp post, not home after a slap on the wrist because he has money.
Well it's not news because of the deaths, it's news because of the injustice that was done. This rich little fuck gets off scot free because his parents have money after taking god knows how much valium and drinking on it, driving his car, killing 3 people and rendering one brain dead. This is Texas, the kid should be strung up from a lamp post, not home after a slap on the wrist because he has money.

Your count is off
he killed 4
+ one of his passengers happens to be only able to blink his eyes due to paralysis
I'm given a flashback to this documentary from 1997 I don't know why...yet [youtube]7qSqr3uI8Pw[/youtube]
Are children still considered a target demographic for discretionary spending marketing? That is, are they still contributing to GDP at the same level they were 15 years ago?
Yes and appointed to?
And what did the nice rich white kid who killed 4 people get sentenced to?

Oh and BTW to sink your whole liberal justice angle

(R): Jean Hudson Boyd She is one of yours dickhead

She's not one of mine, moron, I'm not a republican.
Chezzy, you've got to be one of the dumbest progressives on here, and that's saying a lot.
any examples of us lefties screaming about skewed polls back then?

How's that Obamacare platform the democrats will be running on in the next midterm?
Have any more totally awesome predictions?
And you still haven't explained how a white boy can hate white people as much as you do.
How's that Obamacare platform the democrats will be running on in the next midterm?
Have any more totally awesome predictions?
And you still haven't explained how a white boy can hate white people as much as you do.

i don't hate all white people, just the racist ones. so basically the entire republican party.

i predict democrat losses in the mid term, since the GOP always benefits from lower voter turnout.
its funny how people on EVERY post chain post about something completely off topic and ruin a thread by having 2+ minimum irrelevant posts
Well it's not news because of the deaths, it's news because of the injustice that was done. This rich little fuck gets off scot free because his parents have money after taking god knows how much valium and drinking on it, driving his car, killing 3 people and rendering one brain dead. This is Texas, the kid should be strung up from a lamp post, not home after a slap on the wrist because he has money.

Well the kid was on drugs and alcohol, the lawyers certainly can't prove intent, so they do the best they can. Most people who killed another while drunk never go to prison for it, because they were not in control due to the alcohol.

The Black kid, well it was easy to prove intent. Everyone knows that punching someone in the face will hurt them.

That is why the disparity, nothing to do with race.