This isn't news, the legal argument is, but a 16 year old getting drunk and killing 4+ people happens yearly around these parts. Few years ago kid and all his buddies piled into a blazer come over a hill where there are train tracks. 70+ MPH on a gravel road. Ooops train on the track. 6 dead kids, driver lived. No jail, no prison. I can remember 3 such incidents in which the driver lived and 2 in which the driver was killed. One of my friends killed some other friends of ours in a car accident too and brain damaged another. No time served for that one either.
No one ever argued affluenza though, I need a lawyer like that!! That's like Johnnie Cochran's "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit." defense of OJ.
In every incident in which this has happened, alcohol was involved.
That's where the news really is, but no one wants to touch the legal drug of choice for so many.
Affluenza, man that is quite the argument.