Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

Why dont you shave your head do some meth and go blow like minded people?
Why don't you slide down some razer blades into a bath of some acid? Or maybe even jump off a building and catch your eyelid on rusty nail?
i literally have him on record palling around with a white supremacist who was discussing white separatism at the time and yet he called me racist while giving the white supremacist 'likes' and enjoying racist memes.

and now he tries to tell me that he is not racist.


what the fuck is wrong with these people?

I'm so happy that you have a record of what I say, do and who I associate with. You sound like a bitter wife. :lol:

And yes, someone who always calls others racist is a racist themselves. I'm surprised you didn't know that since you are so well rounded in racial slurs by white people. Wait, what are you again? Oh yea, that's right you're a white rescue ranger looking mofo yourself. Ahem >RACIST< :lol:
someone who always calls others racist is a racist themselves.

citation needed.

for example, in supporting my case that you are racist, i have cited posts where you 'liked' a racist meme, joined forces with a white supremacist espousing white separatism, joined white supremacy groups, and the like.

i don't ALWAYS call other people racist, i reserve the title for racists.

trousers is a conservative who holds obama's feet to the fire constantly, but he focuses always on policy. not racist.
cannabineer has some awfully conservative beliefs at times and is happy to criticize obama. not racist.
flaming pie is an admitted republican who takes a moderate approach. not a racist.
doer is a republican (or anti-dem at least) who says some weird things about muslims at times, but is not racist.
muyloco is a complete dumbass who also says some questionable things, but i have never seen him utter anything racist.
NLXSK never said anything racist for years and i never called him one until he made it clear he was.
godhere is an anarchist socialist and i do not like his views. he is not racist.
abandonconflict is a socialist libertarian who despises zionism. not racist or anti semitic.
cheesus has a real stupid view on legalization. not racist.

i disagree with all these people on deep levels, and have never called them racist. because they aren't.

quit your crying and cite your claims, greendumb.
citation needed.

for example, in supporting my case that you are racist, i have cited posts where you 'liked' a racist meme, joined forces with a white supremacist espousing white separatism, joined white supremacy groups, and the like.

i don't ALWAYS call other people racist, i reserve the title for racists.

trousers is a conservative who holds obama's feet to the fire constantly, but he focuses always on policy. not racist.
cannabineer has some awfully conservative beliefs at times and is happy to criticize obama. not racist.
flaming pie is an admitted republican who takes a moderate approach. not a racist.
doer is a republican (or anti-dem at least) who says some weird things about muslims at times, but is not racist.
muyloco is a complete dumbass who also says some questionable things, but i have never seen him utter anything racist.
NLXSK never said anything racist for years and i never called him one until he made it clear he was.
godhere is an anarchist socialist and i do not like his views. he is not racist.
abandonconflict is a socialist libertarian who despises zionism. not racist or anti semitic.
cheesus has a real stupid view on legalization. not racist.

i disagree with all these people on deep levels, and have never called them racist. because they aren't.

quit your crying and cite your claims, greendumb.
Frankly I could care less what you think you know about people and liking a post that was amusing isn't racist either. I'm apparently a racist because I have those racial undertones because I liked a post or agreed with someone that you don't like.

That is completely idiotic and for fucks sake I'm engaged to an asian. I've also dated and fucked black, mexican, cuban, indian and white girls. God damn, I'm so racist I want to literally fuck all races.

I stereotype, I admit that and everyone does it including yourself whether you would admit to it or not.

Now get off my nuts fanboy.
Frankly I could care less what you think you know about people and liking a post that was amusing isn't racist either. I'm apparently a racist because I have those racial undertones because I liked a post or agreed with someone that you don't like.

That is completely idiotic and for fucks sake I'm engaged to an asian. I've also dated and fucked black, mexican, cuban, indian and white girls. God damn, I'm so racist I want to literally fuck all races.

I stereotype, I admit that and everyone does it including yourself whether you would admit to it or not.

Now get off my nuts fanboy.

so what do you have to say about how you accepted an invitation from a known white supremacist to join his white supremacy group?

innocent indiscretion?
so what do you have to say about how you accepted an invitation from a known white supremacist to join his white supremacy group?

innocent indiscretion?

We have been over this. I didn't get an invitation from that person. I don't even remember who you claimed that sent me that invite since it was completely irrelevant and false.
So you know of a case where a minority was charged of a hate crime against a white person?

Yes, there have been several recent cases in Washington DC and Baltimore area in which a black suspect has been charged with a hate crime against another of a different race. NAACP usually gets involved.

I must say though, that 27 year old fuckbag who knocked out a 79 year old black man is fucking coward. I'd love to spend 3 minutes in a room alone with him. It's not the race I'm concerned about, it's the age.
We have been over this. I didn't get an invitation from that person. I don't even remember who you claimed that sent me that invite since it was completely irrelevant and false.

shotgun420, who you palled around with regularly, was the creator of that group. the group was invitation only. he was the only one who could have sent the invitation, and you accepted it.

not even kelly4 accepted the invitation because he didn't want to be associated with white supremacists in any way.

says a lot about you.
Yes, there have been several recent cases in Washington DC and Baltimore area in which a black suspect has been charged with a hate crime against another of a different race. NAACP usually gets involved.

I must say though, that 27 year old fuckbag who knocked out a 79 year old black man is fucking coward. I'd love to spend 3 minutes in a room alone with him. It's not the race I'm concerned about, it's the age.

Where the victim isn't a woman, hispanic, jew, or a homosexual, etc? Statistics are easily manipulated.
shotgun420, who you palled around with regularly, was the creator of that group. the group was invitation only. he was the only one who could have sent the invitation, and you accepted it.

not even kelly4 accepted the invitation because he didn't want to be associated with white supremacists in any way.

says a lot about you.

Shows exactly how clueless you are. never once received an invite from shotgun. I did from another member and followed the invite that led to another subforum that I viewed once and never went back. Like I said before, there are only a few areas of this forum that I actually visit and by saying that because I visited a subforum once, viewed its content and left would be like calling yourself a racist because you went there yourself.

Did you reply to any of these "white supremacy" groups? Cause if you did, you are more of a racist than you claim I am.

I have a sense of humor and pics of stereotypes is hilarious. If you cant look a picture that is meant to be a joke and take for what it is then that is your problem because you obviously have issues you need to work out.
I have a sense of humor and pics of stereotypes is hilarious.

let's see who else thought that picture was hilarious and gave a 'like' to it.

slavenomore: admitted white supremacist
spooksnbaboons: short lived sock puppet of jackfate, a prominent racist.
locknessMD: accused me of inventing the direct correlation between poverty and crime, claims blacks are naturally inclined to commit crime.
harrekin: racetroller


it's the company you keep.
How do you know the perp was black and the victim was a black male homosexual? Your link doesn't prove shit.

i'm certain that of the 1,150 blacks charged with hate crimes in 2009 alone, not a single one was against a white person.

you are so smart.
i'm certain that of the 1,150 blacks charged with hate crimes in 2009 alone, not a single one was against a white person.

you are so smart.

That's an assumption on your part. I can't find one conviction of a white male not part of a protected class winning a black hate crime. What's with you and numbers alone mean anything?
no, because i was never invited. i was not "like minded" enough for the white supremacy creators of those groups, unlike you.

Maybe it has to do with me being more personable than you. More individuals relate to me because I listen to what they have to say without calling them names and such just because I may not agree with their views. Myself and other members of this forum can talk to each other and have disagreements and still be civil all at the same time. So yes, unlike me you are not a very likeable person. :grin:
no, because i was never invited. i was not "like minded" enough for the white supremacy creators of those groups, unlike you.

Im curious if the group we've had to listen UB drone on about endlessly actually identified themselves in TITLE as a white supremacist group OR was it just the usual proclamation of our resident, self-appointed grand poobah who took it upon himself to bestow that title and then proceed to use it as "marginalization fuel" for months, years, seems like centuries.

I only ask because that tactic is commonplace with UB. Maybe they did indeed label themselves such, if so carry on. If they didn't and you just decided for everyone that they were, I think we'd like to invite you to fuck off and make our own judgement. Because, to be honest, "I wouldn't trust you with a bucket of water if my knickers were on fire."

I'm sure you have evidence in your notes that they SELF-IDENTIFIED as white supremacists, not just made statements that you extrapolated into the label.

I'm afraid that due to the monotonous, Hannitylike repetition, citation is required.