Well-Known Member
Why don't you slide down some razer blades into a bath of some acid? Or maybe even jump off a building and catch your eyelid on rusty nail?Why dont you shave your head do some meth and go blow like minded people?
i literally have him on record palling around with a white supremacist who was discussing white separatism at the time and yet he called me racist while giving the white supremacist 'likes' and enjoying racist memes.
and now he tries to tell me that he is not racist.
what the fuck is wrong with these people?
I'm so happy that you have a record of what I say, do and who I associate with. You sound like a bitter wife.

And yes, someone who always calls others racist is a racist themselves. I'm surprised you didn't know that since you are so well rounded in racial slurs by white people. Wait, what are you again? Oh yea, that's right you're a white rescue ranger looking mofo yourself. Ahem >RACIST<