Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

I am kind of disappointed with the progs on this thread. I figured Buck would give us an awesome statistical analysis of how unlikely it is for an old black man to get viciously assaulted by a young white man, hence this is such an anomaly that it does not merit discussion, just as he did with all the other knockout game stories. I was expecting the usual cadre of caring progs to follow along with righteous approval. I wonder why he neglected that duty?

Instead, he continues his crusade to censor those that disagree with him, and sweep the hypocrisy of Obama's DOJ under the rug.
damn you are dumb.

HUNDREDS of well publicized videos of negroes attacking whites: "it's just a game, SES made em do it, racists are racsiting and trying to make it look like a thing.... "

first documented case of a honkey doing it: "ZOMG!! HATE CRIME!!!! NAIL HIM TO THE WALL!!!"

Honkey says "hey look at this, suddenly it's a "hate crime": "DUBBLE ZOMG!! U R DUBBLE RACIST!!" references to websites only used by racebaitng lefties, like stormfront, niggernews, etc etc etc etc, waterfall of bitter anguished tears, defending Cockbreath Holder's latest application of Black Interest Prosecution, defending Bwana Obama's continued support for cockbreath's "justice" department and their racist prosecutorial decisions, endless circlejerk of racebaiting and name calling.

YEP. 'bout what one expectsd from buckie see4 cheezedick and the rest of the leftie douche-brigade

Don't worry about it. He is trying to mount a battle of wits but he is unarmed.
Looks to me on this thread like everyone took an incredible misfortune of one human being perpatrated by another human being (in the name of politics supposedly) and used it to pursue their own personal agendas.
Yeah that's definatly a moment that will haunt him forever

That video is clearly staged... idk how anyone can not tell lol.

Anyway, it is pretty fucked that once a white person does this it's suddenly a hate crime, when there is a plethora of videos showing the inverse. How about every piece of shit who blindly assaults a random person is treated the same? Nope, gotta appeal to the bleeding heart reverse-racists.
That video is clearly staged... idk how anyone can not tell lol.

Anyway, it is pretty fucked that once a white person does this it's suddenly a hate crime, when there is a plethora of videos showing the inverse. How about every piece of shit who blindly assaults a random person is treated the same? Nope, gotta appeal to the bleeding heart reverse-racists.

According to the federal complaint, in another video found on his cell phone, Barrett allegedly says that African-Americans "haven't fully experienced the blessing of evolution" and uses the n-word. The complaint alleges Barrett said he had been trying to get up the "courage" to play the knockout game for a week

In the video, according to a
federal affidavit filed in the case, Barrett allegedly said: "The plan is to see
if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?"

He then allegedly "hit the man
with such force that the man immediately fell to the ground. Barrett then
laughed and said 'knockout,' as he ran to his vehicle and fled."

The victim suffered two jaw
fractures and was hospitalized for several days, the complaint said.
According to the federal complaint, in another video found on his cell phone, Barrett allegedly says that African-Americans "haven't fully experienced the blessing of evolution" and uses the n-word. The complaint alleges Barrett said he had been trying to get up the "courage" to play the knockout game for a week

In the video, according to a
federal affidavit filed in the case, Barrett allegedly said: "The plan is to see
if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?"

He then allegedly "hit the man
with such force that the man immediately fell to the ground. Barrett then
laughed and said 'knockout,' as he ran to his vehicle and fled."

The victim suffered two jaw
fractures and was hospitalized for several days, the complaint said.

Sounds like the script of the black on white knockouts with nary a peep from DOJ or the media. How is that "sweeping it under the rug" working out for you and your fellow travelers?

As Bombur said: "How about every piece of shit who blindly assaults a random person is treated the same? " Lots and lots of jail time!
I am kind of disappointed with the progs on this thread. I figured Buck would give us an awesome statistical analysis of how unlikely it is for an old black man to get viciously assaulted by a young white man, hence this is such an anomaly that it does not merit discussion, just as he did with all the other knockout game stories. I was expecting the usual cadre of caring progs to follow along with righteous approval. I wonder why he neglected that duty?

hey racist,

learn to read. remind e who said this a few posts back: it is not news when some white kid goes out and decides to assault a black man, it happens all the time.

Instead, he continues his crusade to censor those that disagree with him, and sweep the hypocrisy of Obama's DOJ under the rug.

whatever you say, racist.
mulattoNick for a person of mixed heritage..namely of black and white...can be construed as a racist term but its not nearly as racist as the insecure fuckheads who try to force people of mixed heritage to identify as one or the other...as if our society is really that "black and white", so to speak.

See I don't need your definition because its already mine as I have stated over and over....I will not retract despite the witch hunt.....only part I disagree with is "namely black and white" but hey I'm sure that's your personal experience its just not mine...opinion not fact.
Instead of pretending to school me on something I know well maybe tell your psycho friend mmmmmkay?
Ya know, let him know he is being racist and insecure about it.
See I don't need your definition because its already mine as I have stated over and over....I will not retract despite the witch hunt.....only part I disagree with is "namely black and white" but hey I'm sure that's your personal experience its just not mine...opinion not fact.
Instead of pretending to school me on something I know well maybe tell your psycho friend mmmmmkay?
Ya know, let him know he is being racist and insecure about it.

Oh I'm sure you have all kind of thoughts you don't consider racist.
Chesus I am sure you have lots of avatars you don't consider racist.....its all selective to you cause its your avi.......your post on the word mulatto should be directed towards your friend as he's done fell off and may need help to get back up.....he's your brother he ain't heavy for you.....for me he's dead weight fertilizer.
Chesus I am sure you have lots of avatars you don't consider racist.....its all selective to you cause its your avi.......your post on the word mulatto should be directed towards your friend as he's done fell off and may need help to get back up.....he's your brother he ain't heavy for you.....for me he's dead weight fertilizer.

Oh you dont feel mulatto is an outdated racist term?
How about coon, negro or spear chucker?

As to the avatar it points out that many in the tea party are like minded racists as you seem to be.
Here is a news site for you called top conservative news

Find anything on there you can agree with?
