hmmm, should i trust someone with a master in comparative literary studies from occidental, or should i trust urbandictionary?
tough choice there.
mulattoNick for a person of mixed heritage..namely of black and white...can be construed as a racist term but its not nearly as racist as the insecure fuckheads who try to force people of mixed heritage to identify as one or the if our society is really that "black and white", so to speak.
Source for your masters un-sourced statement is which DD pointed out.......what was not cherry picked from that source is as follows:
"2. mulatto
A person with one white parent and one black parent. They are usually very attractive, given that they are the perfect blend, not too light and not too dark. Mulattos are widely regarded as the most beautiful people in the world.
I have a mulatto girlfriend, and I must say she is smoking hot.
3. mulatto
A mulatto is someone who has one white and one black parent or someone whose ancestors are also mixed white and black. Also known as half-caste or mixed race. Alot of South American countrys have large percentages of mulattos. Bob Marley was a mulatto and so is Halle Berry.
I am black but i married a white woman so my child is a mulatto
4. mulatto
A person with European and African ancestry. Is not just having " one white parent and another black" like some ignorant idiots have said here. Mulatto does not derive from " Mule". The word derrives from "Muladi", which is from Arabic " Muwaladeen", which means white mixed with Moor. It comes from medieval times. If the slavers wanted to call people " mules", they just call would've call them " mulas" instead of " mulattos" just like the Jews that converted to Christianity in Medieval Spain were reffered to as " Marrano" ( pig in Spanish). Mulatto as " mule" was invented by some racist white assholes in the mid 18th century,who resented that some of them were richer than them. That's why Mulatto is not offensive in Latin America. It is just a pc idiots in the U.S that think that they know it all,and don't know shit about Spanish Medieval history nor Latin American history.
Most Mulattoes are multi-generational. Specially in Latin America.
5. mulatto
Someone who is part white part black, usually come out with very sexy features and lighter skin. Some say it's a derogatory term, but it seems like just about every other word is derogatory these days, so whatever.
Leila: what race do you think has the sexiest men?
Angie: I'm gonna have to say mulatto.
6. mulatto
a NON offensive terms used to describe a person that is half white, half black. Mulattos are obbsessed with identity, and mulatto is the perfect word for identifying a mixed person. Where I'm from, me and all of my mulatto friends embrace the word, and rep mulatto to the fullest. We can't say that we black, we can't say that we white, and every other word for mulatto sounds retarded, like "mixed," "bi-racial," or "multi-cultural."
My mom is black, my dad is white, and I am mulatto. But when I fill out an application, I have to check "other.""
Congrats guys another miserable fail that yall can claim a victory on in psycho-ville....begin your buttsex celebrations with each other. You invent an enemy out of thin air, proceed to attack and destroy then reign victorious in your own heads, bravo.
beenthere your thread and what it intended to expose is a complete success it seems Holder style justice is alive and well on RIU.