Well-Known Member
Im curious if the group we've had to listen UB drone on about endlessly actually identified themselves in TITLE as a white supremacist group OR was it just the usual proclamation of our resident, self-appointed grand poobah who took it upon himself to bestow that title and then proceed to use it as "marginalization fuel" for months, years, seems like centuries.
I only ask because that tactic is commonplace with UB. Maybe they did indeed label themselves such, if so carry on. If they didn't and you just decided for everyone that they were, I think we'd like to invite you to fuck off and make our own judgement. Because, to be honest, "I wouldn't trust you with a bucket of water if my knickers were on fire."
I'm sure you have evidence in your notes that they SELF-IDENTIFIED as white supremacists, not just made statements that you extrapolated into the label.
I'm afraid that due to the monotonous, Hannitylike repetition, citation is required.
the first incarnation of the group was called the "white nationalists and white separatists" group.
the second incarnation was called the "tacoburritonacho" group, and it was the only time i documented some of their discussions, which centered around holocaust denial and white supremacy, white revolutions, stormfront membership, and the like.
the third and final incarnation was called the "free speech and debate" group.
i like how you heroically rush to the defense of these people, but it doesn't matter what they call themselves after discussing white revolutions and holocaust denial.
white supremacists and racists everywhere thank you for your valiant attempt at defense.