Recent content by Comacus

  1. Comacus

    bodhi seeds

    @Diet Pepsi Terps how did the VCA finish up? I have that one in the vault too. How many total weeks did it go?
  2. Comacus

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

  3. Comacus

    The Main-Lining Thread

    I have a friend with a Phototron, and I do think it is going to be too small for mainlining. Based on what I see with his, I think it would be best suited for a 12/12 from seed with a single plant. Maybe with a small amount of LST or supercropping to get a little extra side growth.
  4. Comacus

    Ordered Bubble Bags online, few questions about making hash.

    @69Bandit, where can I find instructions for doing the Dry Ice method with Bubble Bags? I have a 1 gallon set. I have seen "shaker cans" to process with dry ice but have not seen it with Bubble Bags. Do you still use all the mesh sizes?
  5. Comacus

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Well I just got back from being gone for 4 days. I hoped the problem would be getting better but it got worse. Looking at new growth it is difficult to see if they are coming out of it, or if this malady is just one that starts at the bottom, and moves to the top. I do wonder if it may have...
  6. Comacus

    Is The Seed Depot Site Down?

    I can't seem to get on. I even tried the hotel computer where I am staying, and it gives the same error. I was able to go to, and from there several .nl websites for windmill tours, etc. Anyone have any other suggestions to try? It seems like the problem is isolated.
  7. Comacus

    Is The Seed Depot Site Down?

    I just found, downloaded, and ran CCleaner. Still getting the same error. Are you here in the U.S.?
  8. Comacus

    Is The Seed Depot Site Down?

    I tried deleting my cookies earlier, and that did not work. What is CCleaner?
  9. Comacus

    Is The Seed Depot Site Down?

    I have not been able to connect to The Seed Depot for a couple days. Is anyone else having that problem? The error message says "this page can not be displayed". When I run the fix connection tool, it states "the website is online but isn't responding to connection attempts".
  10. Comacus

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    It is weird. Seems to have happened over a 2 day period. All organic soil so far, with one small dose of DynaGro so I don't think it sould be salts. I know a picture is worth a thousand words to when I get back to my camera on Saturday I will attach a photo. Thank you again for all your help.
  11. Comacus

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Thanks UB. I will give the Malathion a try. After seeing you rinse, I think I may have screwed up with Spinosad. I did a drench with it a couple days ago, did not rinse, and now my leaves are covered in small brown spots, leaves have lost their green luster, and hey look like they are rusty...
  12. Comacus

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Well they are definitely not spring tails. I don't think they are doing much damage yet as I just discovered them in some new soil I purchased. A couple of the plants seemed stunted, and slow growing which could be from the aphids eating their roots. I thought I would try to knock them down...
  13. Comacus

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Hey UB - Have you ever battled root aphids, and do you have any recommendations for a soil drench to eradicate this pest? I think these invaded my indoor garden in some potting soil. I first noticed a different looking fly that was not a peat fly, and now with my 30x loop, I am seeing little...
  14. Comacus

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Thanks UB, I will give the vermiculite a try! Enjoy your weekend.
  15. Comacus

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    I think part of the problems was also the pots were to big for the seedling size. So with the heavier soil, I would water maybe once per week or every 10 days. The seedlings were not using much water so the top would dry out, and the bottom would stay wet. The soil was Victory Empire Builder...