
I wonder how much longer before the same starts happening around tRump and those that defy him.

Monkey see, monkey do.


US ‘deletes evidence’ of Russia’s kidnap of thousands of Ukrainian children​

Researchers at Yale University had been compiling database of alleged Russian war crimes, including abduction of up to 35,000 children


US ‘deletes evidence’ of Russia’s kidnap of thousands of Ukrainian children​

Researchers at Yale University had been compiling database of alleged Russian war crimes, including abduction of up to 35,000 children​

Under the US Constitution, treason consists of "levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort"

Let's hide all these war crimes.
Meanwhile, back in the UK......

An authoritative study into the views and beliefs of Generation Z adults — those aged 18-27 — carried out with YouGov and Public First has revealed a deep erosion of faith in Britain.
Only 41 per cent of young people were proud to be British while just 15 per cent believed the country was united.
Almost half (48 per cent) of the 18-27 year olds surveyed thought Britain was a racist country while 50 per cent believed the country was stuck in the past.