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  1. ginwilly

    Benghazi Committee Outs CIA source

    It's refreshing to see you say you are interested in trying to find out what happens. This makes me realize you understand how bad we were lied to and the truth has yet to be revealed. Of course it's still nothing more than a witch hunt. How much better off would the country be if dems were...
  2. ginwilly

    Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

    Yes, what they should be is different than the reality of what they really are. It sucks, but I challenge you to refute it. Too many studies out there say different. Negative campaigning has been shown to work too, which is why part of me is rooting for Sanders. He refuses to play that way and...
  3. ginwilly

    Canada business venture?

    Not sure it helps but something I heard about business that stuck; During the gold rush, the only people making a steady income were shovel salesmen. If you can deliver whatever will be the shovel in the equation you should be good. Not much help, but more than you've gotten so far.
  4. ginwilly

    Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

    He went up against Gore and Edwards and studies showed his face was more symmetrical than both and his folksy delivery was a huge plus by a lot of people. Voted the president people would most like to have a beer with at one time. I mean....
  5. ginwilly

    Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

    Meh, you can read the studies that show how we vote or you can live in your fantasy world. We grade our presidents by who is able to deliver a speech someone else wrote the best. You think the president isn't the world's biggest salesman? You are not paying attention.
  6. ginwilly

    Russia needs a beating

    I had no less than 10 people post that this year is the first time in 666 years that Halloween falls on Fri the 13th on facebook. People, Halloween is never on the 13th. I'm sure it sounded cool though. I bet everyone has seen that.
  7. ginwilly

    Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

    I think they need to be comfortable in front of a camera, decently good looking, able to speak with passion about subjects that require emotion and be an excellent closer. The finance guy at a big car dealership qualifies.
  8. ginwilly

    Benghazi Committee Outs CIA source

    If that's true then Gowdy should have a cell next to Hillary's. If we actually held these fools accountable they may actually BE accountable.
  9. ginwilly

    Russia needs a beating

    This seems an appropriate place to bitch about our news, not just Fox.
  10. ginwilly

    Petition to stop slaughter of sloths

    Signed!! #slothlivesmatter
  11. ginwilly

    Benghazi Committee Outs CIA source

    You mean it wasn't about a video like Clinton and Obama said?
  12. ginwilly

    Benghazi Committee Outs CIA source

    But the dems didn't?
  13. ginwilly

    Benghazi Committee Outs CIA source

    I don't remember press conferences and tv show appearances blaming cartoons or video games or unicorns or maybe there would have been investigations. Should have been anyways. There should be investigations anytime we are attacked, don't be dumb.
  14. ginwilly

    Benghazi Committee Outs CIA source

    First, of course it's a witch hunt, that's what you call it when hunting witches, it's not like you'd call it a fox hunt. Second, yes, the pubs butchered it and used it for political gain which is an example of what's wrong in DC. Third, are there really people who think an investigation...
  15. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Yes, the pukes used doom and gloom to advance their agenda and suck for it. The Dems had the holy trinity of government at the time they passed the ACA. No public option, private buy offs to big pharma, deals cut with the Stupak group on abortion to buy votes, the kickbacks to Louisiana for...
  16. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Takes a lib to call a decrease in the increase a cut. I'll give you chance to actually look up 2015 numbers and retract what you are trying to pass off with 2009 numbers. Look up the new proposed 2016 budget by Obama and ask why he's trying to take away the VA choice program after promising it...
  17. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    lol you new here? search his name and racist. He has more posts calling someone a racist than most people here have posts. His percentage of posts calling people racist might even be higher than the village idiot's. That's his go to argument.
  18. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    You make an excellent point, if inflation is 300% since 2000. Is that your claim? Look at your argument pnw, first you said it was because pukes cut funding when in fact funding has tripled, now it's inflation so we should spend more now than in 1945. Another reason to hate the dem party, it's...
  19. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Money for veterans has tripled during a time when most of the WWII vets have died off. Money is not a problem for the VA but when you can't think past first level checkers, it will always be the answer. We've tripled the money but it still sucks. Obviously that's because we should have...