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  1. Bud Tipps

    6 weeks flower with no trichomes

    I have a Fresh Candy from Pyramid seeds that is growing like this. At nearly week 7 there is barely any resin, but buds are still growing.
  2. Bud Tipps

    Leaves curling up

    It's just a bit of heat stress. Try getting more airflow between the light and canopy, that should help.
  3. Bud Tipps

    My first time WW. Help to decide if they are ready

    Probably a week or 2. I would check with a scope to be sure.
  4. Bud Tipps

    100% Indica strain 2015

    White Domina
  5. Bud Tipps

    Make my own seeds

    You need to use 2 different strains or you will get very unstable seeds.
  6. Bud Tipps

    Talking about indicators of ripeness

    A brown calyx is dead and could turn moldy. You don't usually see them unless the plant is past peak. I mainly harvest by the glands and calyx.
  7. Bud Tipps

    Need some serious help!

    Yeah, it looks like there could be N and K issues.
  8. Bud Tipps

    Need some serious help!

    The browning in the middle of the leaves looks like it's from ph fluctuation, or a root problem.
  9. Bud Tipps

    PLZ Help

    You could try silver thiosulphate. If that does not work your plant does not contain any male chromosomes, it is a true female (likely case) and cannot be reversed as far as I know. Maybe cross it with something else?
  10. Bud Tipps

    Need help Sexing

    It looks like a male.
  11. Bud Tipps

    10 since switching to flowering schedule. Help

    Too much nutrients probably. Fox farm ocean soil has nutrients in it, doesn't it? I would just give it water for a week or two. Some of those leaves could be falling off from not getting enough light, since the canopy is so thick. The canopy looks healthy, it should turn out good.
  12. Bud Tipps

    Will these buds be smokeable?

    Maybe, if not, you can make hash out of it. What happened? Did you overfeed it? It looks horribly overfed. I would harvest it, I don't think it will look better in a week.
  13. Bud Tipps

    Need help badly. plz chime in with all the knowledge.

    Your light is too far away, it is stretching for the light. Try and keep it 1 - 1.5 inches away.
  14. Bud Tipps

    Please Help white spots on my girls!!!!

    Did you check underneath the leaves for pests?
  15. Bud Tipps

    Best way to germinate seeds?

    Put the seed in the starter container with some fresh medium, like fresh peat moss, then water it and wait for it to sprout.
  16. Bud Tipps

    Grow reports by Bud Tipps

    Blue Pyramid from Pyramid Seeds
  17. Bud Tipps

    Blue Pyramid from Pyramid Seeds

  18. Bud Tipps

    Blue Pyramid from Pyramid Seeds

    Strain: Blue Pyramid Growth: Average Nutes: General Hydro Flora, General Hydro Maxi Bloom Supplements: Molasses, Floralicious Bloom, KoolBloom, Blossom-bud, Azomite, Dirty Gardener (mycorrhizae), Epsom Salts Yield: Good, 8 out of 10 Visual Appeal: Slender and frosty, 9 out of 10 Smell: Blueberry...
  19. Bud Tipps

    what's wrong?

    It could just be over watered. Very dark green tends to be caused by too much nitrogen.
  20. Bud Tipps


    It could be they need more light to get bigger, and larger containers. Genetics are also a factor.