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  1. Bud Tipps

    Nitrogen decitent soil

    Get a high nitrogen fertilizer. Calcium nitrate works good, I got mine on amazon.
  2. Bud Tipps

    Strange bud structure?

    Foxtailing is mainly genetic. Try a different strain next time.
  3. Bud Tipps

    Soilless Grow pH Issues - WTF!?!

    Don't lower the water ph. Give it 7 ph water or higher if necessary to bring it down. The plants look healthy.
  4. Bud Tipps

    first grow.. 3 weeks flowering what do you think?

    It looks like it is stretching to reach the light. What sort of light is it under?
  5. Bud Tipps

    Plant is already flowering after 2 weeks .

    Don't worry about it, clones do that sometimes.
  6. Bud Tipps


    It could be the tap water. You can get a ph pen online and have it mailed to you. Ocean spray could be affecting them.. if they are right next to the ocean they could be getting misted with saltwater.
  7. Bud Tipps

    Trimmings, cuttings

    Looks fine, I wouldn't trim it.
  8. Bud Tipps


    500 - 600 ppm
  9. Bud Tipps

    Blue stems and yellow leaves (flowering stage)

    It's just a bit of a nitrogen deficiency, nothing to worry about week 4 of flower.
  10. Bud Tipps

    Planned to flower today until I noticed this after work.

    Could be the ocean forest mix is a bit hot for that one plant, or the ph is off. I would check the runoff next time it's watered to see the ph and ppm levels.
  11. Bud Tipps

    Is this normal?

    Yes, they are starving. Give them some food. It wouldn't hurt to get a ppm pen to read exactly how much food you are giving them, they only cost around 10 bucks on ebay.
  12. Bud Tipps

    first ever harvest!

    Post another pic of it in a couple weeks, it's hard to tell at this point.
  13. Bud Tipps

    El Jefe Rare dankness

    I only grew the one plant, plus a clone of it. It flowered for 10 and half weeks, I'll probably chop the clone at 9 or 9 and half weeks.
  14. Bud Tipps

    El Jefe Rare dankness

    I would recommend avoiding longs peak blue. The plant I grew had little white seeds all through the fluffy buds even though it did not get hit by pollen. It's one of the worst plants I've seen in awhile.
  15. Bud Tipps

    Whats wrong with my plants in flowering stage?

    Have you checked the ppm and ph of the runoff water?
  16. Bud Tipps

    Floralicious Plus

    I use the floralicious bloom, the label says it's made from fermented seaweed and sea creatures. I wouldn't foliar feed with that stuff. I just add it to the water at the amount it says to.
  17. Bud Tipps

    Just want to clarify some stuff now that I have meters.

    Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to raise the ppm a bit.
  18. Bud Tipps

    hermie plant?

    Those buds look pollinated, you are going to have a bunch of seeds. Did you check for male flowers? There is probably a hermie in there somewhere.
  19. Bud Tipps

    Old School Skunk and Pine

    I grew a Power Flower from Royal Queen seeds that had an old school skunk and pine flavour.