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  1. huklburryfin

    Trying to Go 1 Week without Smoking Herb

    i think the hardest part of quitting is finding something to replace weed. for me weed is like an activity, like playing sports or something. so when im trying to quit or take a break from smoking i feel like i have nothing to do, cus everyone i know is smoking and thats pretty much all they do...
  2. huklburryfin

    First Graffiti Piece (on paper)

    at first its not all about making it unreadable. start with throw ups [bubble letters] and work your way up. you wont be able to paint that your first time i didnt do these but the first two are bubble letters and the last two are straight letters
  3. huklburryfin

    WTF is with this weed! Possible ET encounter!

    stop trying to change the subject and get back to the fuckin alien
  4. huklburryfin

    Conversation Thread

  5. huklburryfin

    Relationship Issues.

    there must be some reason why she doesnt like pot. maybe you act differently when your high and she doesnt like that? do you get lazy? if theres no reason like that then dump that sober ho
  6. huklburryfin

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    or everyone will turn guy cus every girl has razors in her vagina
  7. huklburryfin

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    i know when i heard about it i was like.... god damn it
  8. huklburryfin

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    dont forget one of these
  9. huklburryfin

    How Do Vegans Feel About Animals That Eat Other Animals?

    ok your right, but our early ancestors diet definitely consisted mostly of plants. they might have been able to scavenge but until they learned to hunt meat couldnt have been very important in thier diet. however whatever amount they were able to scavenge must have helped their brain size...
  10. huklburryfin

    How Do Vegans Feel About Animals That Eat Other Animals?

    lions cant eat grass and human ancestors at first were vegetarian then we gained the ability to hunt and started eating meat
  11. huklburryfin

    What Is Love?

    your jewish right? so love=gold?
  12. huklburryfin

    Girls >.< Advice Please

    sounds like hes just jealous. tell him to get over it and POUND DAT PUSSAY
  13. huklburryfin

    Smoke Scent Control.

    its called a SPOOF
  14. huklburryfin

    Amber or Black?

    amber but it might look dirtier after a while :-?
  15. huklburryfin

    Tin Foil Pipes

    this is my crack pipe
  16. huklburryfin

    Had A Crazy Day Today : D

    why not just steal robo?
  17. huklburryfin

    Tin Foil Pipes

    i looked up some pics of those zeppelins and they look pretty sick. i might pick one up
  18. huklburryfin

    How Can I Get Back The Highs I Had In The Good Ol'' Days?

    if you can do it a tolerance break is the best thing. i dont know how much having THC in your system affects your high like that one guy said, but i think when you smoke everyday your brains supply of pleasure chemicals depletes. so smoking more will temporarily get you higher, but over time you...
  19. huklburryfin

    Tin Foil Pipes

    using an apple everytime i smoke is inconvenient, but ill try it it seems like you know a lot of shady people lol
  20. huklburryfin

    Too Soon to Harden?

    ^^^ what he said but if any of them fall over dont give up on them prop them back up and they will get up