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  1. Antman15

    How do I like peoples posts??
  2. Antman15

    Should I harvest my 9 week old R.Q Bluematic & 8 week StarRyder

    lol.Yep..I found a polaroid in my safe from 2000. Learned from a book and word of mouth back then. We've come a long way baby.
  3. Antman15

    Should I harvest my 9 week old R.Q Bluematic & 8 week StarRyder

    crap this thread is almost 4 years oh well.
  4. Antman15

    Should I harvest my 9 week old R.Q Bluematic & 8 week StarRyder

    See chart. Look at the color, not the shape.
  5. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    If you mean PH, here is a chart
  6. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    Depends on the plant and how much they eat. 2000 seems pretty high to me though. I run 800-1200. EDIT. And yes. TDS is TDS Total dissolved solids. Regardless of the volume of water.
  7. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)
  8. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    The Pondzyme is what you will find locally at a Lowe's or Walmart hydroguard you'll need to order off eBay or go to a local Hydro shop
  9. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    Get Hydroguard if you don't have it. Pondzyme is cheap and you can get it at walmart. And it works well in a pinch.
  10. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    Some good old cheap Pondzyme might help you. Just a thought.
  11. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    That water looks kind of murky too. Make sure that air pump is sufficient.
  12. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    Those leaves won't get any better. Look at the new growth for signs of improvement.
  13. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    I don't know the specs of the MG aerogarden. But I would say yes to less pump time. 10-15 on then off for a few/repeat. If they are overwatered/no O2, this will help the roots to access more oxygen. Something to try. Diagnosing online is not always easy. Good luck.
  14. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    Ok..Do you mean a pump for spray or for your air? The air pump should be on 24/7.
  15. Antman15

    nutrients "mixed" shelf life?

    Well that's true. Will the res need more water? Will the Ph be stable for 3 days? Mine usually stays pretty stable until the end of the week when water is needed to add back in. But I guess it depends on many factors.
  16. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    lol...ok. No arguing from me this morning. I'm sick and only somewhat buzzy. Peace.
  17. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    OP...honestly, not sure. Ph is good. Make sure that you're not over doing the nutes. The new shoots look like Nitro Toxicity with the burned tips. But again...hard to say. Make sure all the conditions are right and it will grow through it. Good luck.
  18. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    Then the problem wouldn't be "hydro" would it? It would be aeration of the solution. You can start seeds in rockwool with a drip. Isn't that "hydro"? Yes, yes it is.
  19. Antman15

    New to hydro, sprout has spots. (Pic)

    Nothing is "too young for hydro". What is your ph?