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  1. Antman15

    90° too hot???

    Here is this:
  2. Antman15

    Are these normal?

    Try to keep that rockwool just moist, not wet. At least until the girls have a few roots. After soaking cubes, I shake/fling 7 to 8 times to remove excess water. Then they're good for a few. Good luck.
  3. Antman15

    Which led should I get between these two.

    To answer your question, The mars II 400 is around 280 watts at the wall. The other one is 105 watts at the wall. So the difference is gonna be brightness, and area coverage. BUT. For the $, just get a 400 watt hps. Or a 250 for that matter. You'll have better results than using either of...
  4. Antman15

    Are these normal?

    While you're smoking that bowl, find a basic grow video on youtube.....Greenman is a decent one. Ready set grow...that's another. Good luck
  5. Antman15

    Scrog and flush

    Ebb and Flow.
  6. Antman15

    fruit flies in soil.

    The hoppers might be springtails.
  7. Antman15

    fruit flies in soil.

    2 cents. They ARE fungus gnats. You see them in your soil. I'm betting you over water. Dry it out. And then dose with this: Good luck.
  8. Antman15

    OMSCO Seed

    Sweet! Thanks guys. What did you pick up?
  9. Antman15

    OMSCO Seed

    Are they in breeder's packs?
  10. Antman15

    Unflushed coco flowers

    Reds and purples.
  11. Antman15

    Unflushed coco flowers

    Depends on what I ride them at. For what is running now, yes I do for additional coloring.
  12. Antman15

    Unflushed coco flowers

    Amount/strength of nutrients during growth. Type of nutrients. Media for growth and root development. Water hardness. Maybe most importantly. Dry and cure. Yeah I didn't put flush for a reason. After 16 yrs I'm not convinced that it is always necessary. Perhaps it is a good thing to do...
  13. Antman15

    Unflushed coco flowers

    Depends on several things in my opinion, moisture content being one of them. Its not all about a flush. IMO.
  14. Antman15

    Unflushed coco flowers

    Dry it, cure it, smoke it.
  15. Antman15

    OMSCO Seed

  16. Antman15

    New leaves pointing up... Should i worry about?

    ok, just make sure that you have fans blowing through the plant upward. That way you are circulating cooler air. What I mean is make sure you aren't circulating hot air down. Tents trap a lot of air and temps can go crazy. Good luck.
  17. Antman15

    SCROG in a tent. Hang a frame from ceiling, or attach to corner posts?

    4" squares I think on the 4x4 model. Works great. I guess you could tie in more string if you want closer squares.
  18. Antman15

    New leaves pointing up... Should i worry about?

    I mean just to make sure about your Ph, air circ, and heat as they can all help cause your symptoms. Last time I had what your pics show it was heat stress/poor circulation. However, I have read that Ph can cause this. Height is a problem in tents...especially a 5 foot one. It's an auto, so...
  19. Antman15

    SCROG in a tent. Hang a frame from ceiling, or attach to corner posts?

    Get 2 of these 2x2's
  20. Antman15

    New leaves pointing up... Should i worry about?

    ph, poor air circulation, heat stress too. Get those in line....raise your light