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  1. D

    2 weeks of drooping...

    That was taken care of based on this reply....and when doing so I checked the roots...they look good, white, not brown. One thing I didnt do since I had just watered it, i didnt re-water the fresh soil, just packed it around the wet root ball. I did that within an hour of lights out, figured...
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    2 weeks of drooping...

    This is what I dont understand...I use that moisture meter probe...its been shoved all the way through the middle and the needle was in the red...I water it and within 5 minutes shes sagging...I thought watering was good?! This time I purposely left the plant dry for an entire day...bone dry...
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    2 weeks of drooping...

    Just did some reading...I do believe I possibly have root rot going on? I have all the symptoms...high temps, slight light leaks through seems of my grow makes sense...but how would I verify that? Should I pull the plant out of the pot and look at the root ball and if its good...
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    2 weeks of drooping...

    Im at my wits end with this plant...or maybe im worried bout nothing. This plant used to be perky...seems ever since I fed it a 1/4 dose of fish emulsion with ph balanced water it never looked the same. color seems least nothing obvious (to my inexperienced eyes anyway). Its been very...
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    Stunted Growth?

    Ain't that just a basic shop light?
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    Stunted Growth?

    Totally agree! Lol, I get wild ideas!
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    Stunted Growth?

    These Seedlings are 3 weeks old, Started in burpee seed starting mix, germinated in the humidity dome and stayed about 4 days under the florescent light seen in the pic, I have those "biodegradable" small pots I started the seeds in. I had some idea I would put that biodegradable pot with the...
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    Is it ready to trim?

    most input ive gotten says the same thing...leave it alone as far as cutting anything off! Im gonna hit the LST references and videos hard then. Thank you!
  9. D

    Is it ready to trim?

    good point. Those lower limb leaves just look stunted. They aint gettin a lot of light. Im thinking of the idea of ridding the plant of lower limbs to increase uptake to top of canopy. Then again, i want to do LST for this plant, ...or did! IDK, never had one go this far before and I keep...
  10. D

    Is it ready to trim?

    I got a plant a little over a month old...never had one go this far, but I think this can have the 2 lower branches with the single undersized leaves that are stretching out horizontally, they ain't able to get as much light what with the bigger leaves growing above it. I want to practice LST...
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    Reaching for the blurp

    Is it normal for a seedling (4wks)to "reach" this much for a 600 watt led (veg+bloom switches on) that is 32" away or do I need to bump her a bit closer? Up to now I just thought it was just a happy, healthy plant! This is also about 14 hours after its first feeding (1/4 tsp fish emulsion/quart...
  12. D

    Why’s my seedling lime green and turning purple?

    I had the same issue at pretty much the same stage of seedling...turned out it was the burpee seed starting mix I had planted the germinated seeds has fertilizer for bout the first week I think I was told, after that they are in dire need to be transplanted into a more permanent medium...
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    Low-Budget Homemade Attic Ventilation (w/o Air Conditioning) Ideas

    Ive started a grow in the insulated, semi-finished attic. It doesnt resemble an "attic" at all if you were up there, has a solid floor and an annoying angled paneled ceiling, and 2 windows with only one that can be opened. There is one section on the end separated by a non insulated wall as...
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    Seasoned Opinion Sought

    Makes perfect sense...inspiring even!
  15. D

    Seasoned Opinion Sought

    Yea it wasnt very moist when i went to put it in the new pot, so once i had it in there and filled it in with the Happy Frog, gently watered it mainly around the outside of the pot, but all the same until it started to come out the bottom...what my green-thumb mother always said, "till it pees"...
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    Seasoned Opinion Sought

    Here she is with a new pair of britches on...thoughts? the leafs were drooping when i peeked on her before i crashed for the night
  17. D

    Seasoned Opinion Sought

    Thats a really, really good idea bro! I wonder how much of what we would learn in a school course like that, that could directly relate to Cannabis though? My mom grows (flowers, decorative plants at parks and recreation dept for the city I live in, and surprisingly not much could apply to...
  18. D

    Seasoned Opinion Sought

    OK, this question is for my own reference, but happy frog and fox farms...what are their differences? Would fox farms soil would have been the over all better choice? I honestly never looked at ingredients on the bag, i cant name all the shit thats in it I simply got it because it was on hand...
  19. D

    Seasoned Opinion Sought

    I suppose I should point out my intentions in my grow set up what with all this great advice so it may help curve your input: I live in Indiana, where all bordering states it is legal to use and or grow cannabis, be it for recreational or medical, yet i still reside where all this is illegal. I...