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  1. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

    PM is Powdery Mildew. You want to treat before it spreads to the buds. Neem Oil works great. It's like a liquid miracle.
  2. Jalepandro

    should i spray or leave it alone??

    Most of us like to use Neem Oil or Azamax. Organic and safe.
  3. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

    Just ~10 weeks left to go! I've been manually hauling five of them around to induce an early flower, but now that the other 12 are spitting pistils, I'm just leaving the early birds out to harvest.
  4. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

    Heh, creative solutions. Just make sure it doesn't pool up on the roof. A dump is much worse than a drizzle!
  5. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

    This rain sucks. I moved a couple ladies into the greenhouse and tied up the others a bunch. I hate getting rain on my buds.
  6. Jalepandro

    Ganja Farmer Hats

    That hat looks awesome. What does the. "WANTED" pin say on the bottom? No hats for this bloke, I just slip on a pair of slippers and enter the garden.
  7. Jalepandro

    Lolipop vs not in SoG

    I also do not like the idea of lollipopping. I feel as though you should remove every branch that is clearly struggling. But for the lower branches, you should trim all growth on the lowest 2/3 of the branch. Do not touch the growth on the upper branches. She will form a cluster of sites near...
  8. Jalepandro

    stem scraping/pinching? is it good?

    Supercropping is essentially bending your plants stems to the point that you break down the cell walls and cause a bit of damage. As a result, the plant will begin to focus growth to the tops of the supercropped branches, while simultaneously forming a very woody knuckle at the point of the...
  9. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

    Blackout shed is working like a charm. Two plant are seven weeks into flowering. I'm going to chop one at the start of week 9, and the other in week 11. I've got three more plants that are five weeks into flowering. The remaining plants don't get manual dark times. So 12 more that are just...
  10. Jalepandro

    Does plant size affect flowering time?

    Plant size does not effect flower duration much. From what I have noticed, you just get more bud that develops at approximately the same rate. It may effect overall nug and cola size in some cases, but more often than not it is best to have a larger plant.
  11. Jalepandro

    any guess on potential yield

    Today is just a get baked and lay in bed kind of day. I feel so unproductive though. Ugh. Thunder storm earlier today, that was somewhat unexpected. Moved some ladies into the greenhouse. I think this will be a great harvest. I don't care what the technical yield is, because whatever it is...
  12. Jalepandro

    any guess on potential yield

    Danimal has got some problems with reality. I don't know if this is somebody that is just trying to troll us hard. Because he is such a consistently rude and arrogant contributor to a few online communities. But there are times when I think that is all he is. And will be, for that matter.
  13. Jalepandro

    any thoughts on yield?

    This is the best answer you are going to get. You really need to calm down and listen, otherwise you will learn nothing and keep growing like an idiot. And that is total yield with all plants together. Stop acting like you know what you are doing, you do not know jack.
  14. Jalepandro

    My crop, have questions

    As Mama said, pistils and calyxes are easy to differentiate from new growth. Green leafies are prividing you with more branches while the bulbs and hairs are providing bud sites.
  15. Jalepandro

    Is my plant a ruderalis?

    After doing a two minute google search on "how to identify ruderalis cannabis plants," I can comfortably say that your plant is in fact NOT ruderalis. If it were, it would essentially be an autoflower.
  16. Jalepandro

    first time grower any input will help!

    How is a the weather, brother? My biggest concern up near lake Ontario would be that I planted too late into the season, giving the ladies a shorter vegetative cycle before they began flowering. As a result, you will have less time to shape and train, and a decreased yield to follow. This is a...
  17. Jalepandro

    What the best strain to start this late with

    I am no professional, but as a fellow enthusiast, I would suggest that you plant an autoflowering strain at this point in the season. Where I am at, we've probably got about three weeks until flowering naturally begins. With an auto, you might be able to get up to six inches or so before you go...
  18. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

  19. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

    Hello, calicocalyx :) I am actually using a brick and glass greenhouse structure, rather than a PVC and plastic setup. The rain hasn't really been an issue for me, the greenhouse is solid as far as that is concerned. The humidity has definitely been spiking from time to time these last couple of...
  20. Jalepandro

    My First Outdoor NW

    They are doing well. I am a medicinal patient well within my legal limit. I am glad to be able to cultivate my own remedy, ya digg? This is actually my second time Growing. First time: 3 gallon and 5 gallon pots Popped about a dozen bag seeds in some branded "organic" soil mix under the sun...