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  1. Hotboxbudz

    yellowing in week 2 flower.

    Well almost all your large fan leaves are about to die. I doubt the really light yellow ones will recover. Yeah, add 1/4th veg nutes and you might try a 1/4th veg foliage spray for a week or so.
  2. Hotboxbudz

    yellowing in week 2 flower.

    Yeah I would 2nd that diagnosis.
  3. Hotboxbudz

    yellowing in week 2 flower.

    I'll give them a look and tell ya what MIGHT be the problem.
  4. Hotboxbudz

    10 weeks no gender

    She looks great! I wouldn't worry and just let her flower when she is ready. If it is an auto, she is huge, you will be getting a good amount if you let her finish. Mad props.
  5. Hotboxbudz

    Spotting on Leaves

    Your baby girl looks normal to me for being a week old. The spots are from a pest like spider mites. It might just be old damage. I wouldn't take any action about it just yet. Keep a close eye on your new leaf growth, and if the spots start to show up on the new leaves. Then you know 100% they...
  6. Hotboxbudz

    Help Please.

    They are heat stressed. It also looks like you might have spider mites (or some other type of infestation). Give them some shade for the hottest part of the day (if above 90 degrees). Buy some neem oil for the pest (if you can) if you want to go the cheep way for the pests. Mix up 2 cloves of...
  7. Hotboxbudz

    Yellow and curling baby plants

    It looks like cal/mag deficiency to me.
  8. Hotboxbudz

    plant issue in flower

    Also I would say your light is a bit to close, I would move it up about 1foot. Your pots are a bit small also, but I wouldn't risk transplanting them. You might take one and carefully pull it out of its pot to check the root color and density
  9. Hotboxbudz

    plant issue in flower

    Green is right, need better pics with the light off to tell what's wrong. From what I can see is that you have a big problem. Again, need more pics, but in one of them I can tell you have a cal/mag deficiency. Looks like you have more then one problem tho. That's all I can say for sure right now.
  10. Hotboxbudz

    FIRST GROW!! 3 weeks into flower.

    From what I can see in the pics...looks really good. I don't see any damage or problem areas. Just keep doing what your doing. Just a little advice, if your thinking of growing again, I wouldn't use a clay pot. Use a grow bag made from fabric. No need to transplant it now, as it would really...
  11. Hotboxbudz

    How dense is to dense for growing?

    That spot looks OK. Hard to tell from the pics. You want a spot with 6 hours minimum direct sun. Clearing out some of the ferns if your plants are any less then a month old.
  12. Hotboxbudz

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Sorry to hear she died. Just my 2 cents...don't grow in clear cup/pots again. The roots need to be in the dark.
  13. Hotboxbudz

    Are we there yet? First timer...

    2 maybe 3 weeks left.
  14. Hotboxbudz

    First time grower! NL, Canada.

    I would say that it wouldn't matter THAT much. If you had left them white, you probably would still have had the same problem. If you need to keep them warm at night, I would use a large cardboard box, and put it over them. Just need to remember to get up early and remove it.
  15. Hotboxbudz

    First time grower! NL, Canada.

    Your very welcome. One thing to think about is whatever they are sitting on top of will be hot also. If that table is to hot it will damage your roots also. When moving them from the shade into the sun put them on something cool, like a wet towel. They don't look very bad and should recover in...
  16. Hotboxbudz

    Help !!

    Looks to me like heat stress and nute burn combine. They're looking good other then that.
  17. Hotboxbudz

    First time grower! NL, Canada.

    The damage to the edges of the leaves looks to me like nutrient burn or advanced heat stress, and the tops of your plant being light green is normal for new growth. If your feeding your plant stop for a week or two and give it just water. Also they look heat stressed (leaf curling), give them...
  18. Hotboxbudz

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    Hanging it in the trees is a really really good idea IMO. You can go out at night to check on them. Someone might smell them but there not likely going to look up. They will get the chance to dry right. A++ idea marquezmurder.
  19. Hotboxbudz

    looking for advice on guerrilla grow

    Well I hope I have helped give you some ideas for your problems, and I hope everything goes well with your garden.
  20. Hotboxbudz

    looking for advice on guerrilla grow

    Yeah, a month old plant will have a much higher chance. Smart pots are also a great idea. If you haven't done so already. You need to start putting them outside so they can get use to being outdoors or you run the risk of them going into shock. This could permanently stunt there overall growth.