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  1. Antman15

    The plan

    Refer to @sunni 's post
  2. Antman15

    The plan

    500 buck for a small cabinet with a few cfls and a bubble bucket is too much.
  3. Antman15

    The plan <---That is a chunk of change for such a small and simple system. You could build your own for way less.
  4. Antman15

    help me help a friend help the world

    Welcome to the came around in 90's
  5. Antman15

    Is this growing room good?

    or Maybe put it in the back and use it for side lighting. That way it won't block the light from the HID.
  6. Antman15

    Is this growing room good?

    If you can, lower the florescent fixture to as close as possible. Their light is not as intense as the HID and should be only a few inches away.
  7. Antman15

    Is this growing room good?

    Those lights should be good for that small space. Any more than that and it would maybe get too hot. Good luck.
  8. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help

    You will see the pistols begin to whither and brown. They will suck in and form the seed if they have been pollinated.
  9. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help

    You should be able to tell pretty soon...maybe a week if its been pollinated. And I think seeds take 4-6 to fully mature.
  10. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help

    lol...maybe it was just fuckn with you? :) good luck.
  11. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help

    Is there yellow pollen on/in it?
  12. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help

    Still kind of blurry, but it does look nannerish.
  13. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help

    Hang in there.
  14. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help
  15. Antman15

    nanners or nah please help

    pistols are you mean calyx?
  16. Antman15

    Is this growing room good?

    The more light the better. I can't really tell what you have there. It looks to be a HPS with a florescent next to it. Is that right?
  17. Antman15

    Is this growing room good?

    Probably for now while the plants are small(er). Just watch temperatures at the top of your plants...or the top of the tallest one.
  18. Antman15

    Is this growing room good?

    As long as you have proper air flow, it should work fine.
  19. Antman15

    My first time.

    That's for real! I have a....friend I guess you would say...that "thinks" he can grow.....he gives me samples and I have to throw it in the freezer for hash or butter....I'm not smoking his seed riddled, hay smelling, mess. Good job OP
  20. Antman15

    My first time.

    I gotta get some of those beefsteaks for my outdoor garden next year....damn. :)