Something is wrong. Make sure that your timer is working on a 12/12 schedule. 18 days in, you should have some flowers forming. Make sure that when you shut your door, there is no light coming in disrupting the night cycle.
Yes CFL's need to be close. 4' for a CFL is too far away. Do a search on here and google, there are more than a few examples of frig. grows. Most I have seen utilize a 250 or 400 watt hps with a cool tupe and filter system. good luck
I can see why you wouldn't want to use tape because of the sticky residue, but seriously I have always used electric tape and it works great. Plus after the plant heals, it will grow and pull the tape apart and you can pull it off of the plant.
Every day for at least 15 min. for a few weeks or until you can tell that they are done maintaining moisture.
I think people jar up too soon. But maybe it depends on the RH of where they are at? If you jar up too soon, you will get a hay smell when you pop the jar.
I generally hang dry until the stem snaps. Then I jar up. There is still moisture in the buds even when they appear dry. Once you put them in the jars the moisture will build up and you will have to burp the jars to let the moisture escape. Depending on RH 4-7 days hanging is pretty normal...
Unless they have changed, Lowes only carries the "booster" fans. They are meant to be used in addition to a bigger fan. They will not really pull/push 500cfm. Spend the extra and get a good inline fan....from amazon or ebay or a hydro shop
Here ya go....a little boost in the right direction.
I literally copied your question and added cannabis.
Also there is a search bar at the top of the RIU page.