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  1. G

    Reservoir help

    I knew someone who once forgot to turn off a tap and a downstairs restaurant needed $$$$$ to be fixed. If you are going to do something not ground floor redundancy is your best plan. Your reservoir needs an overflow pipe up top, Your reservoir needs a massive floor pan with a drain pipe...
  2. G

    Can’t figure out what’s going on here, rest of the plant and other plants look fine.

    Hard to say but looks so drastic i'm going to assume root rot.
  3. G

    First time grow progress

    Looks great, maybe the leaves are just like that because it's a pheno. Id tie the entire thing down even more. Look up auxins and how they favour the top most branches. There might be benefits making every branch a top!
  4. G

    Lookin to learn about nutrients

    In my experience, a lot of the base nutrient brands I've used never really caused any deficiencies (apart from a bad batch of h&g a & b once) . There were deficiencies in the uptake caused by other problems such as lockout or pH. Trying to rectify problems can also lead to a lot of...
  5. G

    reducing stretch in first weeks of bloom

    I've tried to control stretch on my hybrid plant and have tried using a lowering the lights, making it brighter, stronger EC. Nothing seemed to be really effective. Surprisingly I got an indica northern lights atm which hardly stretched at all without even trying! Look up "positive DIf" making...
  6. G

    Spider mites

    Neem afaik doesn't actually kill mites on contact . They do stop them eating, having sex etc. I've used it successfully, even going as far as shoving the spayer stick into my plants to make sure everything is drenched in it. You should only do this in veg though.
  7. G

    Why is no-one ever using a Coco/Vermiculite (and some Perlite) Mix?

    I can't answer for others, but I find with pots 7 gallons and smaller. Pure coco drains great already, if i added anything else, my pots would get dry too fast which means I need to be feeding more than I already do which is 6 times lights on 7gal. I've never needed to add cal/mag before so I'm...
  8. G

    Is weed more potent at 4 week cure than 2 .

    Have had bud cut and smoked within 24 hours by drying in an oven and it was still potent af.
  9. G

    Reusing coco question

    I know a few multimillion dollar greenhouses who have reused their coco after growing tomatoes and switching to cucumbers. They did use this product, I'm unsure if it has enzymes though.
  10. G

    Electrician please comment solar off grid

    I'm not talking about 12v mini LDD drivers etc I'm talking 1000w dc to DC which has an input range in line with solar panels which output 48v which a lot of quantum style boards use. This would eliminate the need for a battery, solar charge controller, etc. But if its cloudy, or dark you won't...
  11. G

    14 finger leaflet?

    Just a random name people give to leaf mutations? There's more like ducks feet, Australian Bastard cannabis and a strain called freakshow which has interesting leaves. Every now and then you'll see random mutations, there have even been tiny buds growing on the ends of petioles.
  12. G

    Is it safe to heavily defoliate and cut stems if limited space ?

    Are you in veg? You could cut of your entire plant and leave 1 stem and it'll still grow! Some plants you can cut a twig and a branch grows out of it (Bougainvillea).
  13. G

    Yellowing leaves?

    Firstly what's your medium? What water are you using? Most nutrients come very balanced with cal/mag these days and personally I have never needed to add extra. Trying to mitigate the problem by adding more of something could have detrimental affects if you already had sufficient amount of...
  14. G


    I'd think it's a deficiency if the problem was happening from the bottom up. But because you're new growth and leaves don't look too healthy. It might be a pH problem. Either way best to wait for a second opinion.
  15. G

    14 finger leaflet?

    Looks like 2 leaves fused together
  16. G

    Top leaves curling up ???

    They shouldn't stretch much more. That's extremely dry. Possible to keep a bucket of water in there with a fan blowing on it?
  17. G

    Electrician please comment solar off grid

    Don't have time to read the entire thread, but has anyone suggested DC to DC converter for LEDs?
  18. G

    Top leaves curling up ???

    What's your RH? If it's like super dry they are tacoing to try cup any water they can. If you're RH is fine then they're probably reaching for more lovin. Hard to tell your plant health with that colour
  19. G

    Room temp during dry

    Definitely need a fan for circulation. Or you'll get white furs growing on your denser buds. Remember what mould likes. Warm stale air
  20. G

    ~Newsflash~ there is NO such thing as Cannabis getting "rootbound"

    The legendary DoubleDs roots