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  1. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    Ok Mirculously I have found some old photos of when i bent some plants. These plants were about 4ft high, Bent them 1ft above the medium creating a 4ft diameter plant. Pot is a massive 13 gallons I'm pretty sure. You can tell by the milk crate.
  2. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    Downunder, where we have to adapt to low plant count !
  3. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    I would love to show my grow, But I have too much on my plate with young 3 kids (one with adhd), I'm managing several grows and work full time. Trust me on this one, If you haven't (for you younger folk) look up donjuanmatis - he has a coco trees thread on icmag where I've learnt a LOT from...
  4. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    If you find it hard to believe 3LBS per plant is possible, then you have a LONG way to go. Here is my 10x10 room with only 4 plants! (this particular one is not going to be 4weeks veg. Duh.)
  5. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    Your clone is going to be lanky in a small cup like that. You really need to be That cup is not doing you any favours. If you want rapid growth from clone, you need to start the clones off with the roots pointing outwards not girdling. Professor Carl Whitcomb (youtube him) can teach you a lot...
  6. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    Oh, I have multiple grows. No where did i say this exact one in the photo is going to pull #3. for 3# you'd need more obviously. If you want to see 3-4 per 4week veg you need to look at growers like doubleD. He has done it before. You guys should look up grows from krusty, doubleD, DJM, they...
  7. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    I'm in no way pro. You'll all realise this is a never ending learning experience. Sure. Taken just now.
  8. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    I dated but you could count the plant leaves rising and falling if you must. This is very old, I've improved since.
  9. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    I have a YouTube videos with a time lapse of my 4week veg from clone.
  10. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    Yes I have a photo time lapse to prove it. But who am I kidding? Do I need to prove it? Here's my roots too as of now in 7 gallons. Enough talk this is not even my thread and I guess people don't like to learn if you're doing better than them.
  11. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    I totally understand. I bend stems that are an inch in diameter. I use a bonsai trunk splitter.
  12. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    The trick is to get them tall, and bend them after. ;) That way, no growth was stunted and every single leaf site gets exposed to light even the bottom which didn't see the light for weeks. I veg for 4-5 weeks from clone and get 1.5-2 So I'm not really pruning, mainlining, topping during most of...
  13. G

    Fan leaf discolouration

    Are you in coco? You're using RO, pure RO from what i've been told by my local hydro store is unstable! so it'll cause pH swings/issues etc. From my own experience using RO, after I've added A + B and my additives, my pH ends up being in the low 5's! It's suggested if you're using COCO, you...
  14. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    Here's a quick tip. By tying where you want to start horizontal growth, The entire branch won't bend out diagonally and helps the branches after the bend to stay at the top! EDIT : Oh i don't mainline at all! i just let them grow straight up and bend them a week b4 i flower. Trust me when i...
  15. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    It was topped once or twice in the early stages. (like i quoted above, "maybe once or twice in the early stages. ") I try have 2-4 main branches depending on how i'm feeling. 4 main branches can get REALLY messy as I'm filling 3x3-5x5 with single plants. the SCROG end goal is to get all the...
  16. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    That's not the only way to do it , I don't even top ! there is no need to top in true scrog, maybe once or twice in the early stages. The goal of scrog is pretty much less wasteage, more efficient, faster veg and importantly growing horizontally. There's no problem with your method, I used to...
  17. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    I also single net. Here's a pic i drew, but it's actually scrog to the extreme. The man who invented scrog(same guy who got arrested for the soG technique). One of my examples is not so good because I didn't raise my pots high enough. However I actually done massive pots 13gallons with the net...
  18. G

    My first whole room SCRoG

    Ok. If you look at a lot of scrog on the internet, you'll see there's a lot of misinformation. You need to google up "true scrog". I'll try and draw a diagram ans post it in my next post as well as show you a photo of mine.
  19. G

    1st grow with r.i.u. advice i read through thank yall

    They look good. Everyone's going to tell you to leave it for 2+ weeks. From my experience I've had buds go from like 10% brown hairs to 50% in like a week! Depending on conditions. So it's pretty much impossible to say.
  20. G

    Entire plant went limp, leaves fine?

    Wow never seen this happen in my life. Very interested to see the other replies in future. It sort of like like your plants aren't getting enough water droopyness. I'd be checking for root rot, excessive salt.