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    Day 61 What do you think......?

    For sure, :bongsmilie:

    Outdoor Bagseed Grow

    most likely, :weed:

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    got some bagseed around the 90th day flowering as well, dank tho, pretty dense


    toss some good seeds in a paper towel, let them pop and sprout tales, put them in the ground and water, then remove males. wait 2-months and voila you have a harvest of dank sinsemilla bud. you dont need to buy seeds online.

    Drying question.

    dark room, 75F, 50% humidity.

    Day 61 What do you think......?

    wow, seems that i have a knack for this, based on the JOC. I estimated to day 63-65

    WOW shes flowering fast!

    Scribed, the plants look great, and for sure about the outdoors. I love the outdoors. Ahhh the great outdoors!!! :weed:

    these are just some bag seeds but i need help my first time growing.

    What light are you using? it looks happy. However it should have a couple more leaves for being over 2 weeks. pH should be 6-7, dont use tap water.

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    You are welcome. :joint:
  10. SACReDHeRB

    How Do You Keep Your Mouth Shut?

    Alot of people are ignorant, but alot of stereotypes are in place for a reason. Not saying anyONE is ignorant or anyONE stereotype is fact.
  11. SACReDHeRB

    StarTrek @ 8 Weeks Flowering

    very dank, lol idk what else to put in this box, :joint:
  12. SACReDHeRB

    Finish this week?! whuuuuuht?

    lookin good, :weed:
  13. SACReDHeRB

    Florida Growers Thread

    ill take that into consideration
  14. SACReDHeRB

    Blender hash at it's finest with a twist!

    i hear ya, dry sieved is good and pretty "fool proof" lol not calling you a fool, foo, lol jk
  15. SACReDHeRB

    Outdoor Grow -Season _1

    a good utilization for moldy bud is to make hash, however the process in doing so is completely up to you. research and see what types of hash you think you would prefer.
  16. SACReDHeRB

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    despite the fresh white hairs, i would say those are ready, however some of the younger looking buds could use a week. i would let them finish to day 63-65
  17. SACReDHeRB

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    im not fdd, but if you read back you will realize why i am replying. You could cut her at anytime, but she is not ripe.
  18. SACReDHeRB

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    where is the bud?
  19. SACReDHeRB

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    she ready if you is. :weed:
  20. SACReDHeRB

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    i hear you on the reassurance. and who wouldnt wanna show those frosty bitches off, lol. :joint: