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  1. Ledhed

    Week 5, looking good?

    Looking mighty fine for only 5 weeks, nice job!
  2. Ledhed

    Boy or girl?

    Looks like a healthy young girl, congrats.
  3. Ledhed

    Why is the stem so red on my 5 day old seedling? *pics*

    It's normal, natural, no need to freak.
  4. Ledhed

    hermie? or male or female

    I don't see any hairs in those pictures, just balkls. Pitch it, definitely a male. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,,,,
  5. Ledhed

    Newbie at Large

    Watering twice a day is crazy. Ease up on the water, let the soil almost completely dry out, before watering again. Unless you have ridicilous heat issues, there should be no need to water more than once or twice a week. Get away from the Miracle Grow. I've never used it, some people have good...
  6. Ledhed

    1st grow newbie

    Tons of trichs on them, looks great! Nice job.
  7. Ledhed

    Who has the cure to my ailment??

    Good idea,,,either that or just don't harvest before you leave. Another 10 days most likely won't hurt them in the least, may even bulk them up a little bit more.
  8. Ledhed

    seeds keep molding

    Plant them in soil.
  9. Ledhed

    AH MUSHROOMS!? in my soil?

    Watch for other shrooms too, fungus is not good. It can lead to all sorts of problems later on.
  10. Ledhed

    1st grow, seeds just germinated, now what?

    Yes, if you have holes in the bottom, water till it comes out. But try not to let them sit in a tray filled with water (if you have a tray underneath them) or else they will become too wet. Common mistake, overwatering. Good luck!
  11. Ledhed

    pot city USA

    It definitely didn't show any of the good points about growing, that's for sure. Too bad idiots like the people growing in that town have to take what could have been a good thing and destroy it. Feel bad for the people in that town,,,,
  12. Ledhed

    her leaves popped out at only half inch! female?

    You're an idiot. Are you friends with the little thief from the other thread? You have the same attitude and ignorance.
  13. Ledhed

    its a girl

    Congrats, baby girls are a great sight to behold.
  14. Ledhed

    Light and Heat issues...

    Was wondering who else caught that.:mrgreen:
  15. Ledhed

    stolen seedling any tips?

    This little dirtbag should be banned from this site. It's scumballs like him that give smokers a bad rep. I hope karma hits you hard !
  16. Ledhed

    Fucking Scumbag!

    Fucking Scumbag!
  17. Ledhed

    stolen seedling any tips?

    Punkass little theiving bitch! As the others have said, what goes around, comes around and you'll definitely get yours. I personally hope you get busted with this, about a week from harvest. You're scum!
  18. Ledhed

    help! seedling problem

    Two waterings a day seems like overkill to me, depending on how much water you're giving them. Let them dry up a bit, should perk them up as the roots search for nutrients.Usually droopy leaves are a sign of over-watering, sometimes underwatering too though. Are you growing in soil? If so, stick...
  19. Ledhed

    wow, lots of growth in 4 days.

    Every day is a new day, be thankful.
  20. Ledhed

    Northeast Outdoor Sativa, Ripe?

    Wise choice letting her go a bit longer, looks great.