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  1. Bud Tipps

    Question for experienced Breeders

    You can give them a short veg time, it won't matter. You just won't get to see how they develop during a long veg period.
  2. Bud Tipps

    Advice for SOG

    Sounds like you have it planned out pretty well. I would choose a fast blooming strain.
  3. Bud Tipps

    Seedlings are skinny and look like they're dying :( what should I do?

    Get them closer to the light and get some airflow going in the area. They are really stretching for light. Autos prefer 20 hours of light a day.
  4. Bud Tipps

    What's Wrong?

    It's likely the PH. What kind of lighting are they under and how far away?
  5. Bud Tipps

    Plants slow growth and droopy

    Maybe you need to start watering it more often now that it's bigger. It looks thirsty.
  6. Bud Tipps

    OMG WTF!

    Brown spots could be a calcium issue. I'd flush it right away if you haven't already. The ph is probably too low but it's hard to tell with limited info. How long have they been in flower? Any idea how much longer they need? Have you checked the ph?
  7. Bud Tipps

    Something nefarious is going on in the grow room

    It does look like a magnesium issue. Seems odd since you have them in 3 different growing mediums... unless the PH is off on all 3 mediums? I've never heard of a virus that causes that.
  8. Bud Tipps

    Power Skunk from Kannabia

    White Domina is a good strain, big yield of potent bud. It's 100% indica, unless you don't like indica it's good.
  9. Bud Tipps

    Power Skunk from Kannabia

    Yeah just one seed of each.
  10. Bud Tipps

    Power Skunk from Kannabia

    End of week 8: End of week 9: Cured:
  11. Bud Tipps

    Power Skunk from Kannabia

    Strain: Power Skunk Growth: Slightly below average Nutes: Algoflash + GH Supplements: Molasses, Floralicious Bloom, KoolBloom, Blossom-bud, Azomite, Dirty Gardener (mycorrhizae) Yield: Decent, 6.5 out of 10 Visual Appeal: Unimpressive, 3 out of 10 Smell: Mild candy smell, pleasant, 5 out of 10...
  12. Bud Tipps

    Can I make a father w/ only CFL?

    You can grow both males and females for pollen and seeed under cfl.
  13. Bud Tipps

    Strange bud growth

    Probably genetics, they are called foxtails, you can trim them off if you want. It's a common trait I see in some sativas.
  14. Bud Tipps

    Serious Plant Problem

    You have to try again I'm afraid, you won't get much off of those. It's your soil mix. Did you test the PH of it? You should be able to salvage those plants by removing them from that mix and re-veg them in something else. Copy your friends system maybe? I just use peat & perlite myself.
  15. Bud Tipps

    Leaves Curling Up and Brown Tips

    Chlorine does that to the tips of leaves, could be that. It's almost done, I wouldn't worry about it, but be sure not to over feed.
  16. Bud Tipps

    What is wrong with my babies? Photos attached

    Looks like it could be an issue with phosphorus.
  17. Bud Tipps

    what bug could be doing this?!?

    It's probably overfed, I would try flushing it.
  18. Bud Tipps

    Question about making seeds?

    Yeah, remove the seeds after drying and give them about 3 weeks before germinating, they need time to dry out.
  19. Bud Tipps

    When you use cs to force balls on a fem plant (w/CS), and then pollinate it with its own pollen....

    This is how you make S1 seeeds. Hermaphrodism is a common trait of cannabis, if the plant you are self pollinating tends to hermie then so will the seeeds. However, I've grown out dozens of of bagseeeds outdoors that were pollinated by a hermie and got mostly healthy plants with some mutants but...
  20. Bud Tipps

    yellowing leaves

    Lower leaves tend to get yellow when they get shaded out from higher leaves. You could get some calcium nitrate if you want them greener though.