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  1. Tetrahedral

    Help ph levels

    In relation to soil? But shocked it wasn't so a fool to guess that not every thread is going to be a soil ph up and down thing.
  2. Tetrahedral

    Help ph levels

    So rainwater would kill pretty quick then, that's 5.5, I'm happy to hear the chemistry of soil.
  3. Tetrahedral

    Help ph levels

    No sorry just everyone who asks is a soil grower. Six is not low for a soil, hydro is about salts in solution soil is not, different type of chemistry.
  4. Tetrahedral

    Help ph levels

    Did you even have to ask!
  5. Tetrahedral

    Trichs after harvest

    They are meant to be dry, sticky isn't ready yet and sticks to everything releasing precious oils.
  6. Tetrahedral

    Ph + Ph - Help

    Did you say your water pH is six? That's good for soil.
  7. Tetrahedral

    Ph + Ph - Help Says soil is more complicated and this is more for hydro.
  8. Tetrahedral

    Why do you grow weed?

    Am I the only non Viet vet, the kill counts rising fast.
  9. Tetrahedral

    Ph + Ph - Help

    Got a link to it, Advanced hydroponics is a UK shop I couldn't see the product?
  10. Tetrahedral

    Why do you grow weed?

    To rule the world, so far I control maybe half a small street.
  11. Tetrahedral

    How do you tell when a foxtailing plants ready to pick

    Will Texas ever be legal?
  12. Tetrahedral

    LED and Calmag issues.

    I didn't want to get on the wrong side of the debate, the perfect condition for me is hot and dry. Our best Summers here are hot and dry, outdoors this favours the fast growing plants with less constraints on water. I would put cannabis in that group. If it's well watered it wants the fastest...
  13. Tetrahedral

    LED and Calmag issues.

    No I'm just querying why most run lower than the perfect temp, don't worry I'll read some threads work it out. When I see some saying to tune vpd and others growing much better outside that range then it's obvious they aren't for cannabis, certainly not the flowering period in warm countries...
  14. Tetrahedral


    To match the low pH of rainwater maybe, all outdoor grows run between 5-5.5 if not shielded from rain and that being their main supply but someone might take that a bit too literally and start adjusting their tap to suit.
  15. Tetrahedral

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Tune my VPD to an arbitrary chart on Google search or tune it to real marijuana growth parameters? I'm tuned to cannabis already I'm not changing to your vpd chart though.
  16. Tetrahedral

    LED and Calmag issues.

    As far as I can tell perfect Res temps hang around 20, Seems counterproductive not to run Res at 25c, lost yeild. So the VPD charts aren't for us, they might work but don't educate, ours would have a much wider central line that show the ability to handle the wider variation. A slight...
  17. Tetrahedral

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Those vpd charts don't seem to represent the conditions it grows in out in wild, I couldn't follow their sense.
  18. Tetrahedral


    And one that says if your a new grower and you add a ton of amendments and different stuff to soil your probably not going to succeed to great or know what's going on.
  19. Tetrahedral

    What's your "go to" rolling papers?

    That's the most history I've ever read on rolling papers.
  20. Tetrahedral

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Yes my seeds germinate a lot quicker when placed in a warm location, Is there a higher temp system for hydro as so far most are sub 20c.