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  1. Dankrolledfreshed

    How close to harvest?

    Good job bro !!! What kind of high do you prefer? I don’t like getting really stoned lol soo I harvest first sign of amber!!! But everyone’s different. Just take it into consideration because it might be a knock out strain Zzz
  2. Dankrolledfreshed

    1st time rdwc scogger need help !!!

    Hi everyone!!! I’m in need of help I read that experience growers fill they screen 50/75% depending on strain well I have wedding cake f2 and it is a high yielder they’re at 1500 ppm and doing great !!! Ok the problem starts here I have four plants one was a runt and just start growing like a...
  3. Dankrolledfreshed

    should i pull

    Bro Check your trichs !!!! You never know she might be ready to pull now can’t always go off pistils !!!
  4. Dankrolledfreshed

    Looking on track?

    Excellent growing bro !!! I’m in scrog as well how long did you veg and how much was your screen filled before you flip ? Just curious I’m a first time scrogger also!!
  5. Dankrolledfreshed

    should i pull

    Hey bro !!! I think you should wait the plant is too beautiful to pull early imo and how’s the weather after the week of the rain is the question?
  6. Dankrolledfreshed

    should I be alarmed?

    Nice bro niceee !!! Check out my page our master kush look very similar I have several pics from veg to flower!!!
  7. Dankrolledfreshed

    Back at it!

    Good choice bro !!! And How’s the auto kush ?
  8. Dankrolledfreshed

    Back at it!

    And what strains you have otw ?
  9. Dankrolledfreshed

    Back at it!

    I think happy frog or ffof add 25% perlite for drainage and aeration some ppl go higher with the perlite but it’s completely up to you just don’t want you to over complicate things and you just coming back to the game lol Have a good day peace !!!
  10. Dankrolledfreshed

    What deficiency is this and how to fix

    May I ask why are you using sensi bloom? and you are in veg!!!! Imo I think advanced nutrients are good enough until they start showing deficiency cal mag was just over kill !!!
  11. Dankrolledfreshed

    should I be alarmed?

    Hey bro!!! I’m using advanced nutrients sensi grow a&b in rdwc I also used it in soil I normally wait until the second or third week too feed then I will start feeding week 1 schedule never have any nutrients burns or problems just rather be safe than sorry imo but What masterkush are you...
  12. Dankrolledfreshed

    pH issue with seedlings

    Give it a little time!!! We newbs mess things up in the beginning because we do too much to our plants sometimes it’s good to just plant and grow imo
  13. Dankrolledfreshed

    Little tent grow

    Hey bro !!! Just some info that helped me in the past with soil grows. keep your soil aerated by squeezing the pots it'll helps loosen up the soil allowing more oxygen too the roots that will also help promote growth also you’re in the attic so are you supplying with proper c02 levels ?
  14. Dankrolledfreshed

    Seed junky genetics (Wedding cake f2) 21 days in veg with pics pheno selected by bigworm genetics.

    Also thinking I will have to flip 12/12 within the next week or two soo stay tuned everyone!!!!
  15. Dankrolledfreshed

    Seed junky genetics (Wedding cake f2) 21 days in veg with pics pheno selected by bigworm genetics.

    Here’s a weekly update everyone !!! Runt is doing great I top her at 6-7 node and she actually have some side branches going now !!! Some root porn from the runt !!! I will leave my ppm at 1500 until I flush and start flowering!!!! Full canopy shot Hope everyone have a blessed...
  16. Dankrolledfreshed

    Mutant Seedlings

    Nothing to worry about bro !!! I’ve seen worst and they did just fine and how many days is the seedlings?
  17. Dankrolledfreshed

    Need help determining sex

    Hey bro it definitely need more time but I don’t think you wrong for jumping the gun !!! Female calyxes tends to be more pointy than round and female calyxes don’t raise from the stalk !!!
  18. Dankrolledfreshed

    Update 12 days auto blue cheese 11 days sour kush and sour diesel

    Of course They’ll do just fine in there!!!! Normally seedlings likes more rh% but they will be ok.
  19. Dankrolledfreshed

    Cloning. Is this Normal?

    Yes completely normal bro !!!! It happens with me until they’re rooted and followed by a light feeding schedule!!! Plants is smart they feed off themselves to keep thriving so it want die off !!!! Hopes this help peace!!!!
  20. Dankrolledfreshed

    Seed junky genetics (Wedding cake f2) 21 days in veg with pics pheno selected by bigworm genetics.

    Hi there !!! Yes I went from 665 to 1117 due to the fact that they where under feed and I was behind on my feeding schedule. I always wait until there older then I go with the regular schedule so I don’t receive nutrients burn or any sort. i was topping up weekly so I did a complete flush and...