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  1. Y


    It's OK dude, if you don't get it it's totally fine. Dimming your lights is not mandatory. You never need to if you don't want to.
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    24/0 or 18/6 for veg

    In the night the roots release stuff into the soil to get the microbes kicking. Then the microbes break down organic matter in the soil to provide nutrients for the plant. So if you're in soil with organic amendments you need some dark hours. Hydro bros talk about going 24/0 with no problems...
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    If you're going to break off $850 for an LED light for your 4 x 4 tent, why not spend $200 more and get an LED light suitable for a 5 x 5 space in case you want to upgrade later? In the mean time you can dim it a bunch to veg and dim it less to flower, in your 4 x 4 space.
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    And then if you ever get lazy, mess up and have a shitty grow, you can Blame it on a lack of vigor in your clones.
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    Can you trust those guys? A dude who sold seeds might be more likely to tell you that clones lose vigor.
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    Top dressing with new soil in flower

    You could also use that extra room to throw down some mulch like straw, or wood chips to keep your soil moist. Depending on what kind of nutrients you're using, it might be cool top add a couple inches of compost or worm castings. More soil is cool too. If you do top your pots off, I...
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    Down to earth amendments Question

    For straight nutrients; You could use alfalfa and kelp during veg and into the first half of flower. Nitrogen use peaks during the stretch after you flip to flower, so alfalfa beforehand will have you prepared. Some people don't like to use it after that stretch period, other people think...
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    Does guano really "mango", or sweeten buds?

    I heard some guy talking about terpenes, and how there are lots of them. Who knows how many can impact smell and taste. This dude talked about how some metabolic processes in plants are only triggered by specific micro nutrients or minerals, and how it's possible that some terpenes wouldn't be...
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    Mold in 1 plant

    Cleaning is good. Air circulation is good. I get mold in fat top buds, in the humid summer time, when they get too close to the lights. I guess it's too hot, and they get roasted and unhealthy and that allows the mold to take hold. Fox tailing structure, late-forming white hairs and buds...
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    Need help - 600W HPS - Too bright?

    I try to keep my 600 watt light 20 inches above the canopy. Maybe 18" as the buds grow and reach for the light. If it's too close or too hot during the last half of flower my buds will get too hot, and foxtail and get a puffy, loose structure. This can give them the hay smell, or make them...
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    First time trying a 3000w LED

    Sorry man, I didn't realize that they were autoflowers, I was thinking about photoperiod plants. I don't know if you even count the flowering period for autos, of if you just count total days. Anyway, everybody says go a little longer, so go a little longer.
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    First time trying a 3000w LED

    How long have they been flowering? Is it possible to turn down the power or dim your light so it's not so bright? In my opinion; It looks like your plants are getting blasted by the lights. If you've only been in flower like 7 weeks, they might be able to fill out a little if you can make the...
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    Advice On LED Choices

    Do you currently have a single ended, "regular" 1000 watt HPS/MH, and you were going to upgrade to double ended HPS? Or do you currently have No Light at all, and you're starting from scratch?
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    All of you need to listen to this podcast

    Mulch, don't mix. Oh yeah. Thanks man.
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    All of you need to listen to this podcast

    Arborist (Wood?) chips are good? They won't steal my nitrogen or anything?
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    I would go glass off, pull air through the hood to keep the air around the bulb moving. Fan and filter outside the tent, fan sucking through the hood, pushing into the filter. If you just generally vent the tent heat will build up in your hood and radiate vs being quickly exchanged.
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    Will a seed grow a root faster under a laser.

    This is a great idea. I think 2 lasers would be twice as effective.
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    What is the point of adding amendments to a compost tea?

    It used to be pretty common to see nutrient tea recipes that added worm castings or compost. Not long ago we didn't have all these easy to use, all in one dry fertilizer mixes. Instead of cups and cups of amendments you used teaspoons of tablespoons of a bunch of stuff, and got it in a water...
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    I need help with my Ventilation setup please

    Sometimes they don't fit together nicely. You can get a coupler or adapter, it's like a 8" long piece of six inch diameter metal ducting with a tapered narrow end and a wide end to fit between the fan and filter. Or you can "balance" the edge of the fan on the "lip" of the filter. So instead...
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    I need help with my Ventilation setup please

    There are all kinds of ways to hook stuff up, I like fan/filter outside the tent for a small setup. I would just sit the fan right on top of the filter, pushing air through. What kind of lighting are using?