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  1. Rider101

    The Call Was Perfect..

    It was a perfect letter err phone call err letter whatever.
  2. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    Right this is about oil and profiting from what is harming us. As Canada and the rest of the world put a price on carbon oil is going to lose value. Refining bitumen cost way more then light sweet crude and there is enough cheap sweet crude left in the ground to fill our needs for a thousand...
  3. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    Nasty dude. LOL judging by his alter ego of sam-squamptche aka trailer park boys your probably right.
  4. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    Funny prohibition against the Nazis worked!
  5. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    When you include how many people voted for the Block, NDP, and greens. Then you will understand that to pass a bill in parliment the liberals will have to have one of these parties vote with them. The liberals plus any other party equals a Moriarty of people that voted for those two parties...
  6. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    And when have you ever been out of your home town? Never mind state.
  7. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    If what your saying was true then we would have had lower unemployment under the liberals after oil went for boom to bust But the facts speak for themselves! When the cons were in power for ten years unemployment went up even with the oil boom even with the Americans economy taking off at that...
  8. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    LOL Guns sure has done a great job protecting people in Afghanistan. And thank god for guns otherwise the Nazis who are best at making guns would not have won world war 2. Guns kill and Conservatives Republicans and Nazis love them. The president of the NRA asked people to pry his guns from his...
  9. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    Here I thought cannabis was better then Valium. Point taken they need stronger drugs to be happy or maybe we all just need to lighten up a little. Smoking a joint laughing my ass off.
  10. Rider101

    Canadian Western Separation

    Oil has gone from boom 150 bucks a barrel for oil to less then 50 a barrel causing job losses in the oil fields in the Conservative strongholds however under the Liberals Canada has the lowest unemployment numbers in its history. Its sad how Alberta and the other oil producing provinces would...
  11. Rider101

    Weird symptoms, expert opinion please

    Wow 2800 ppm that is definitely way way too high. Are you running soil or a soil less mix? PH for soil should be about seven while a soil less mix should be six to six point three. If using a soil less mix then continue to flush until the ppm is below 250 before using nutrients again. If your...
  12. Rider101

    Switching from veg to flower

    You will notice that the plants will get paler at the tops due to less hours of light. Good choice for lighting for that size of room you should get some very nice buds. Best of luck. :weed:
  13. Rider101

    The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

    Smoking a joint laughing my ass off. :bigjoint: Enjoying my life as others run around crying the sky is falling. Enjoy your life and don't worry about things that are beyond your control. Or spend your life in anger and hate its called KARMA. FYI you really do get what you give. And if all...
  14. Rider101

    TH Seeds Promo – Win MK Ultra Feminised Seeds

    And now you get to try them. Hope you like this strain as much as I do.:weed:
  15. Rider101

    Can you use synthetic nutes in living soil?

    Rockwool and soil-less mix also work very well with name brand hydroponic nutes.
  16. Rider101

    Can you use synthetic nutes in living soil?

    Yield from hydroponics beats soil every time. Yield from soil with extra fertilizes beats any organic soil you can make. If your soil is good and you have a shit load of it you will do fine but not as good as you would have with extra nutes.
  17. Rider101

    Can you use synthetic nutes in living soil?

    There are lots of organic mined minerals that are made for soil. FYI the synthetic or chemical nutrients that are made for soil work better then their organic counterparts. What organic really means is the minerals have not...
  18. Rider101

    Is this nute burn from a previous feeding?

    Flush the system with florakleen or any other product that removes excess salts. Then refill your rez with fresh nutes and bobs your uncle. "General Hydroponics FloraKleen removes fertilizer residues that can accumulate over time in hydroponic systems, growing media, and potting soils. Use...
  19. Rider101

    Hermi seed tendency

    Most of the seeds using the rodelization method will be hermies or produce hermies if used to create more seeds. "The drawback of the Rodelization method is that it is not as effective as the other described methods of seed feminization because often, it can result in lower feminized seed...
  20. Rider101

    Hermi seed tendency

    Hermi plants tend not to show their male side until late in flowering. As far as sexing a plant its better to take clones and sex the mother plants. Not all cannabis plants will reveg some will continue flower no matter how many hours of light you give it. FYI bud from hermi is just as good as...