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  1. P

    Best Light To Use?? Please Help

    i want to know how many plants i can put in my growspace i have a 4x4 space with reflective sheeting on thre sides i use 400hd and 400hps at the moment i grow 4 plants at a time because i was told if the plants touch they will stretch yet when i see grow rooms on the net the plants seem to be...
  2. P

    Things to Know About Lighting

    can anyone help i am garbage at maths so dividing and multiplying and takin away all these lumens hurts my brain i have a 4x4 set up with reflective sheet around three sides i use 400hd for veg and a400hps for fowering at the moment i only put 4 plants in there cos i was told if they touch each...
  3. P

    Clone Time?

    they look a little small to me i would wait a couple of weeks appy tokin
  4. P

    Dumb, but possible?

    why not just put the seeds in a stew you wont even have to wait an hour then.let em grow and stop being silly
  5. P

    so i think i F'ed up... ** 56k No go HUGE PICS INSIDE!!!**

    you could transplant but the plants are very delicate so do what florida girl says and flush em well they will grow to be big mommas SMOKE LONG SMOKE HARD
  6. P


    yep guess your right i will stick to my grow room mabe one day. smoke long and hard
  7. P

    Cheap Plant Could Become The New Marijuana

    i have had salvia and it is garbage you would need a ton of it just to get a tingle i tried chewin it ,smokin itand makin tea out of it what happened nada all i got was a headache. Not for me thanks
  8. P


    I was havin a smoke when the thought crossed my mind (yet again) they can alter seeds to to be strong or weak tall or small quick budding thick budding but when oh when will somebody create a seed we can grow outside in england a seed that can grow in lower temps cos we never really have a...
  9. P

    A Third Rebuke to Bush on Guantánamo Bay

    i know i am an outsider being british but i think you are right if obama does not get in then i think america as world leaders will be a thing of the past now i am not knockin the people in the states in fact i really like em but the young republicans have got to see the light if they cant see...
  10. P

    A Third Rebuke to Bush on Guantánamo Bay

    i dont know how any one can argue against the decision its in the constitution anyway how would you like it if someone grassed you up for something you never did and they stuck you in jail for a few years without trial and no prospect of one, dont sound so good now does it as for bush sayin cos...
  11. P


    it can be a number of things to much water or nutes or maybe not enough make sure your lights are about 24 inchs away from plant i only water every 3-4 days and give nutes evey other watering i aint sayin thats what the problem is but its something to watch out for and make sure your fan is...
  12. P

    weed heads

    thanks a lot i may just give it a try
  13. P

    weed heads

    here is one for experienced growers (i think) i was talkin about growin weed to some one and they said they were growin outdoors and they went away for a few days when they got back the wind had blown thier weed plants down and they were lying along the floor and that all the side that was...
  14. P


    thanks ta2drvn appreciate imput anyway i am the same been consumin for years but just started growin we will learn with experience onc again thanks PEACE
  15. P

    Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012

    if eveyone smoked dope there would be no wars there wouldnt be much else done either lol but we would all be happy
  16. P

    Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012

    its obvious give the little man what he wants for a while and then stick it to em fine style they have been doin it for centurys fuck em i will still smoke dope internet or no internet war or no war
  17. P

    sprinkle a little tinkle

    are you pissin us about
  18. P


    hi me again ta2drvn i really appreciated your answer to my question on strongest indica clones do you think you could tell me the easiest indica you have come across to clone i like doin the mazzar but i fancy a change something strong maybe but nice to the throat and chest thanks for hearin me out
  19. P

    The help Thread by Bigspud

    hi everyone sorry for butting in,i was hoping someone could tell me the easiest indica to clone i had a good answer the other day on the strongest to clone so was hoping to get some just as good on the easiest i have been smokin for a lot of years but any advice is welcome thanks
  20. P

    Need Help

    you can give em a good dousing cos if the roots aint all the way down the water will drain out of your pot but if in little pots i would give em about half a pint every two days once you have swapped them for big pots i just give em a soaking every 3-4 days you will know if you are over watering...