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  1. Keesje

    Should I Add More Airstones?

    You don't need money for a dissolved oxygen meter. It is almost impossible to not have maximum DO in any system with bubbles, sprayers, whatever. Your problem seems to have more to do with DO-rich water not reaching all spots.
  2. Keesje

    Transplanting teens

    What are teens?
  3. Keesje

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Perhaps I misunderstood. But what is the difference between a DIY-build and a plug&play set you buy in the shop? (except the price and the fancy looks) But I mean for the enviroment you provide?
  4. Keesje

    first time flood and drain project, major PH problem.

    To some degree adding CO2 can effect the level of your pH. At least, that is what people who use aquariums say. With airstones, this is what you do. In E&F no airstones are needed as Larry3215 correctly stated. Plenty of DO is the water anyway. And plenty of O2 in gaseous state around the wet...
  5. Keesje

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    I think root rot has nothing to do with a DIY-build. Plants get sick, or they don't. There are circumstances that can 'help' but plants growing in a custom build set up...? I hardly think that this can be one of the reasons.
  6. Keesje

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    I am impressed that you could do the math. :) The whole post was kind of a mystery to me. Also with a lot of bro science in it. But it's a free world, so everybody has to believe what he wants.
  7. Keesje

    What are your nute PPM levels everyone?

    That General Hydropinics uses it, is a good reason to keep on using it. Would be better if GH would use EC as well. Or at least all the ppm scales. The other reason (smaller changes) is invalid, I think. Because ppm is just a 'translation' of the EC your pen is measuring. So I would not know how...
  8. Keesje

    What are your nute PPM levels everyone?

    Nice! What you experienced is a good example of how things can get fucked up. Apparently your meter uses the 0.64 scale.
  9. Keesje

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Do you use a different hydro system in your blue tote? If not, why don't you use the blue tote also as a cloner. No need to transplant then.
  10. Keesje


    Installing a CO2 set up costs money. Regulators and such. For growing like we do - in our small settings - you are right: it is not that expensive. But if you grow large scale it costs a lot of money. But because of the higher yield, it makes more money. The bottles are ok, but in my old set up...
  11. Keesje


    You don't stop to amaze me. Please stay on this forum for a while. We all need a good laugh now and then. Yes, CO2 is only good when plants have light as well. But it doesn't harm them if they get CO2 in darkness. So when the growers heat their greenhouses at nights as well with gasheaters...
  12. Keesje


    You are by far the weirdest guy I have ever seen on RIU. Facts and science don't matter to you. You have never seen or visited a greenhouse in your life, except maybe that of you grandma's. But you talk if you know it all. But I have to admit: You are a lot of fun. Like I said before: You are...
  13. Keesje


    You are not serious, are you? Where I live it is between 25 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the day in this time of year. In the vicinity where I live there are hundreds of greenhouses where they grow tomatoes, cucumbers, orchids, freesia, strawberries, basil. lettuce, and hundreds of other...
  14. Keesje


    I don't know what 'doubling down' means. But if your question is if greenhouses are equipped with CO2 generators that also heat the greenhouse in the process of CO2 generation, the answer is yes. This is an example on how such a machine looks in a large greenhouse. If you don't accept the...
  15. Keesje

    4 plants, 15 days old, what's wrong?

    which gas would that be?
  16. Keesje


    Of course growers of cannabis indoors don't use the generator to heat their grow room. But the heat is an unwelcome side effect of a CO2 generator that runs on gas. The lights we use (especially HPS) already generate so much heat that we are not happy with this extra heat. That is why some...
  17. Keesje

    To Remo Or Not To Remo

    Although I think I agree with both of you, I would have no idea where to start, what to buy and what ratio. So until I will get smarter, I will just buy nutrients from the shelf.
  18. Keesje

    Looking for a quick answer on LED light

    I googled, but could not find it. Do you have a direct link? Thanks.
  19. Keesje

    First grow should I flush?

    Exactly. Placebo-effect is a strong thing. Saw this documentary about people with Parkinsons disease on which they tested some medicine. Heartbreaking documentary, but they talked about the palcebo-effect all the time. Also saw a TV-show where they had renowned wine-tasters testing some wines...
  20. Keesje


    You are perhaps not stupid, but ignorant you are. Or a troll, that is also possible. My English is not perfect, I know that. but it is not my first language. How many languages do you speak and how fluent are you with them? But I will explain, not for you, because you seem to be lost, and you...