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  1. PCXV

    mueller wants to interview trump

    I sit with ideas I ingest and then, when later realized, I claim them as my own. lol
  2. PCXV

    Oprah Winfrey 'thinking' about running for president

    I'd rather see Michelle as president and Oprah as VP. Oprah seems more like a Biden to me.
  3. PCXV

    Oprah Winfrey 'thinking' about running for president

    Please format your OP, ffs. Edit: OK I suppose Oprah is about as good as it gets as far as electable celebrities.
  4. PCXV

    mueller wants to interview trump

    I've recently considered that the speculation caused by Trump's false promises will be unhealthy for the market in the long run.
  5. PCXV

    Cornel West Isn't Impressed With Barack Obama, Either

    Hey, come on! tty! Don't! tty. Come on tty. Why are you doing this tty? This isn't you. I want the old tty back. I don't want bad new tty. I want good old tty. Give me the tty I'm used to. Give me the tty I love.
  6. PCXV

    A civil debate?

    News Flash: Chomoer becomes the perfect nomenclature. Headline: Overuse of Winky Face Sure Sign of Douchbagery.
  7. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Run away to the public school he goes to, or down the paved city road, or to deliver your tax payments personally?
  8. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Lmao moron.
  9. PCXV

    A civil debate?

    Then how did you learn about it if not for evidence? It really isn't self evident, I've never heard of it happening. Also, are you talking strictly about property taxes?
  10. PCXV

    A civil debate?

    Can you cite me some sources to give me some examples to apply your argument to? And you are talking about property tax only, or multiple taxes?
  11. PCXV

    obama: most admired man in america hillary clinton: most admired woman in america

    No, I'm saying spending should be justified. The checkbook needs to be balanced unless we have no other choice aka the other choice will lead to bigger problems. I don't think you really understand the function of the fed and our government's monetary policy. There may be an inherent problem...
  12. PCXV

    obama: most admired man in america hillary clinton: most admired woman in america

    There are plenty of people with student loans that are in the same group, education is mostly irrelevant. Austerity is a losing policy, so is reckless spending. We all only want to spend on what we see as essential. I highly doubt you are more socially liberal than I am. But that's my main...
  13. PCXV

    Sessions is at it again!!

    Maybe because workers want their employers simply to pay them enough to exist instead of getting shamed for accepting the government cheese. So unreasonable, amiright?
  14. PCXV

    Sessions is at it again!!

    You are a silly person.
  15. PCXV

    Sessions is at it again!!

    Inflation is already happening. The goal is for people to afford to live where they work without government assistance. Or do you prefer the taxpayer to subsidize businesses that choose to exploit the labor market?
  16. PCXV

    obama: most admired man in america hillary clinton: most admired woman in america

    Some people you can't reason with. They are obvious trolls. There is no room for willful ignorance, prejudice, and malevolence in any discussion. Marwan, choomer, twopump, rob roy etc. are misanthropic, cynical hypocrites in the truest sense. The only choice is to ignore them or expose their lies.
  17. PCXV

    i just bought a 2002 VW jetta with 207,000 miles on it

    Had a real bad 2002 VW Jetta 1.8T. Sell. If it runs, sell now. Money pit. Or maybe mine was just a lemon. One thing after another. Mileage was over 100k but I can't remember by how much.
  18. PCXV

    Sessions is at it again!!

    I wonder if it might be a good idea for the federal min. wage to be a mandate to states to instate min. wage according to yearly costs of living (itemized and evaluated on a yearly basis) per county, instead of a raw number that applies to every area of the US.
  19. PCXV

    Sessions is at it again!!

    What is the difference between workers collectivising to form a union for fair wages vs workers voting to make fair wages law? The people have spoken, the math speaks for itself, but unfortunately some of our elected officials listen to a decently large number of people that benefit from...