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  1. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Your arguments amount to apartheid and despotism.
  2. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    The second part, in a way. People who do not wish to associate with certain people shouldn't enter markets or control land essential to commerce and community if they plan to alienate part of the said public/community.
  3. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Yep, I am not agreeing with you. Forcing your "wishes" to buy something a store already offers doesn't make sense. You are actually helping the business so they literally have no legitimate reason to deny you service. The store owners open racism and hate will cause conflict and harm. I think...
  4. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Not all property can or should be private, unregulated property, though. What you describe is theft and off-the-rails. I'm still talking about unavoidable compromise if you want any semblence of fairness and prosperity. But you know that.
  5. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Respect as in respecting their human and citizen rights and priveleges, recognizing them as an equal on human and civil level, not personally liking them. But you know that.
  6. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    @Rob Roy how is forcing a business to sell a product to someone they don't like harmful? The purpose of a business isn't to enact their prejudice, it is to serve the public and make money. The store wants to sell a sandwich, the customer wants to buy it. That is the only relational transaction...
  7. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    How so? What harm have you caused by forcing people to tolerate each other, to treat each other with respect? Authority should stand on the side of morality, not in ambiguity and ignorance. In a classroom, a white student and a black student don't get along and refuse to cooperate in learning...
  8. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    A southern white conservative principle that many still hold today, they are known as Republicans. You fool nobody.
  9. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Because peace requires compromise. We aren't talking rape and murder, we are talking about how to go about funding roads that literally every person has a right to use, on land that is unavoidable to get to key areas; we are talking about serving someone you may not want to associate with a...
  10. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

  11. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Damn right I'm not. I believe in limited rights, fairness, order, and peace. When white racists own those private roads and they declare no blacks can drive on them, then what? Black people can't cross town, to shop, to go to the bank, to see family, and you say that's OK because whites own the...
  12. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    You have proven yourself a retarded troll with this post. Kys.
  13. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    We pick sides. It is perfectly clear to me who is who. If you don't support the party voting lockstep against Trump's agenda, you support Trump's agenda. Or you are too ignorant and narcissistic to realize truth or care, in which case you identify with and are just like Trump himself. Politics...
  14. PCXV

    Mistrial declared in Bundy Trial

    What gave the Bundys the right to graze on land they didn't own without paying dues and to destroy natural and cultural resources all along the way? They made millions destroying land that they refused to retribute. They are scum.
  15. PCXV

    obama: most admired man in america hillary clinton: most admired woman in america

    Your trolls have gotten really weak. Did they reduce you to $0.04? Does that explain the lack of enthusiasm?
  16. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Not my argument at all. Having brain troubles for the New Year?
  17. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    I'm talking about unreasonable and illegitimate amounts of hatred for a president. I didn't even mention Hillary. Did you forget what we were talking about?
  18. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    That's why I said they were crying over nothing, hence triggered; feelings. It was cowardly racist feelings that drove the hate for Obama, and lies. Obama vs Trump. Obama's character and the words he chose to speak didn't incite tension or violence. Trump's did. People have many more legitimate...
  19. PCXV

    trumps ongoing approval rating

    I have family that refuse to believe Rush Limbaugh ever abused prescription drugs, because Limbaugh told them it was a hoax and explained it away. It takes one google search to see he has admitted it on record and within the legal system, and he went to rehab for it. fml
  20. PCXV

    The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

    Why do you think that is? Why do you think people are so triggered by Trump? I think the triggered cry-babies bitching about nothingburgers award goes to the anti-Obama crowd. News Flash: Republicans manufactured lies about Obama for 8 years, and laid 100% blame on him while they had control of...