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  1. Cookie_rookie

    Is this over watering ?!

    Thanx guys
  2. Cookie_rookie

    Is this over watering ?!

    Ok this is my first grow How long will take for it to pop back from the overwatering ?
  3. Cookie_rookie

    Is this over watering ?!

    Ok yeah, I was wondering if the four fingered leaves were ok... Thanks for the reply Shit, you barley gotta do anything to this thing I have had it for a little over a week and seeing it doesn't take e much Thought it would require daily watering and nutes lol
  4. Cookie_rookie

    Is this over watering ?!

    Yeah it's normal growth ? Or yeah it's over watered ?
  5. Cookie_rookie

    Is this over watering ?!

    Watered 3 days ago with plain water everything seemed fine and yesterday introduced nutrients for the first time?!?! Only one branch seems to be effected, no leaves...? Another question I have is some of the new growth looks funny to me is this normal?
  6. Cookie_rookie

    Organic nutes ?

    Anybody try this ?
  7. Cookie_rookie

    Earth juice sugar peak 1 part veg

    Anyone ever use it ?
  8. Cookie_rookie

    What do you think about the nutes

    Lol thank you
  9. Cookie_rookie

    Earth juice questions

    I'm such a rookie and just don't wanna mess my plant up... Do I need to buy a different nute for veg? Or make that one 5-1-3 I don't really know what I'm doing So please take me to school Lol thank you for replying
  10. Cookie_rookie

    What do you think about the nutes

    Has anyone ever used earth juice sugar peak, vegetative, 1 part, 3-1-5? And if so,how were the results? Tryin to grow a mother plant. Been in the soil for about 5 days Will this stuff help it veg?
  11. Cookie_rookie

    Earth juice questions

    Has anyone ever used earth juice sugar peak, vegetative, 1 part, 3-1-5? And if so,how were the results? Tryin to grow a mother plant. Had it in the soil for about 5 days now
  12. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    Also today I read, I shouldn't have it in a big pot ...? I think it's in a 8gallon plastic pot... Should I transplant to a smaller smart pot?
  13. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    I'm lost :| Sorry I'm a newbeeee Maybe a 4x4 would be better ? People are saying they run outta room with a 4x4 Just want all the good info I can get thanks again...
  14. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    Thank you for your feed back. What do you think of 1000 watts in a 5x5 is that not enough light for the space? I cant seem to find a Solid answer
  15. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    And what's a good easy ph balanced nute for veg?
  16. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    T5 no good to veg under?
  17. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    So what do all y'all think of the little girl?
  18. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    They cut leaves to focus on new growth?
  19. Cookie_rookie

    What does this plant need?!

    When and any suggestions for nutes?