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  1. khm916

    is this a hermie? pics

    Ya i would say hermi but its hard to tell #2 the left branch is that a bunch of pod looking things? its blurry
  2. khm916

    Can you start your plant in a 20gal pot?

    Dont run 12/12 they want more like then that to flower and yield well....i bet you would get roughly 2/3 the yield if you ran 12/12
  3. khm916

    Can you start your plant in a 20gal pot?

    Nope any pot should work even home depot buckets with holes drilled in the bottom work well. The 5 gallon homer buckets are cheaper then there 5 gallon plant pots.
  4. khm916

    Can you start your plant in a 20gal pot?

    Oh the other start in smaller pots (i start in 1 gallons) so that you can make a nice root ball you dont get that when you go straight to a big pot.
  5. khm916

    Can you start your plant in a 20gal pot?

    Why would you want 20 gallon pots for a plant that will only be a few feet tall. You will be costing yourself more in ferts and soil then you need to. Also they dont need that much space. I would use 5 gallon pots.
  6. khm916


    You hadnt told us anything about them at the time but still you will know first hand in a couple months.
  7. khm916

    You can fly with medical marijuana :P

    AMAZING ....i wana try it someday
  8. khm916


    NO ONE CAN TELL YOU....there are too many variables to even guess. If anyone gives you a number there talking out there ass.
  9. khm916

    Leaf pruning during flowering

    DOnt cut them just move them below the budsites if you can.
  10. khm916

    when should i start seeing good trich production?

    My skywalker kush is only a few week into flowering and has trichs on the buds and fan leaves already. It all depends on your strain.
  11. khm916

    Mendo Purps One month to go

    Damn looking good....i wish i had space for a fat green house.
  12. khm916

    Keepem Green

  13. khm916

    Picking up an O today :)

    Wamp wamp wamp
  14. khm916

    Flushing Question?

    And he is using all chemical ferts.
  15. khm916


    If your in the Sacramento area look in the Sacramento News and Review...theres an ad for it.
  16. khm916

    Fuck my life

    Set up a online backup service or backup your hd daily thats what i do. Sorry for your loss i know what its like to loose all your data.
  17. khm916

    Flushing Question?

    Flush the F*** out of it....i would have flushed for more then 7 days. what you want is to get a TDS meter and want that number to be as low as possible.
  18. khm916

    silica beads?

    It would speed it up but why waste at least 3 months to get nasty product in the last week.
  19. khm916

    Help With Organic Tea. +rep for helpful responce

    Thanks for the info guys
  20. khm916

    No More Plants

    i figured that rain, clouds would fuck shit up