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  1. EC8023

    Yellow in buds?

  2. EC8023

    Yellow in buds?

    Thanks they look ok so fingers crossed. The reason it happened was I took a few seeds off someone which had come off a hermie plant an started them off with my female seeds I bought forgot to keep a close eye on them an didn't get males out of the tent in time so must of got some pollen on one...
  3. EC8023

    Yellow in buds?

    I chopped the hermie down tonight it's only 5 1/2 weeks in but what the hell, I gave my son the job of trimming it as he said he don't care bud is bud to him its all a bonus when you are collage age with hardly no money lol . I can't find any more nanners on my other plants yet , but there may...
  4. EC8023

    Are these yellow things bananas

    Well it's not been budding up as good as my other 5 plants and there was a bunch of males I had to remove from the tent a while back so its a very big possibility I'd say . Now I have to worry that it's gone an ruined the rest of my plants . Looks like a night of plant inspections it is and a...
  5. EC8023

    Yellow in buds?

    Thanks , I thought it was hermie just wanted to be sure . But there's loads of nanners on it and it's been with my other 5 plants till now . I don't care bout the plant I'm happy to kill it but now I'm worried its too late and the whole lot of them are going to be ruined :(
  6. EC8023

    Are these yellow things bananas

    I'm r I'm really sorry I'm new to this site and missed your reply to my other thread il go try search for it now
  7. EC8023

    Hi I'm from Wales were r you from

    Hi I'm from Wales were r you from
  8. EC8023

    Another Think Different grow...

    I haven't looked into sog yet might read up about it later , good luck to you :)
  9. EC8023

    Are these yellow things bananas

    Help me please are the yellow I see in the buds male bananas ?
  10. EC8023

    Another Think Different grow...

    Wow and they have grown so big in such small pots :0 I've transplanted loads of times before so I should be ok thanks
  11. EC8023

    Another Think Different grow...

    What size pots have you used to get them 5 f hight ! I've never had any plants grow that hight
  12. EC8023

    Another Think Different grow...

    Well I still have 6 plants in the tent right now got some skunk #1 from sensi seed and pure ak . I've only just put 2 seeds of TD in to germ a day ago thinking I could keep them in a small pot just for few weeks and use some clf 's in a DIY little grow space just while I'm waiting for these...
  13. EC8023

    Another Think Different grow...

    Tent is 1 m x 1m x 1.8 I use bio bizz soil and nutes and have 600 w hps I've got 3 TD and 1 auto blue mazer , I usefully always do too many plants for my space so this time I'm trying just 4 at a time
  14. EC8023

    Another Think Different grow...

    I'm just about to start some think different seeds , what size pot do you use ? Do you start out in the size you plan on using all the way through or transplant half way though ?I've never done autos before . Do autos want feeding less or later than normal flowering plants ?
  15. EC8023

    Hello , thanks for the likes :)

    Hello , thanks for the likes :)
  16. EC8023

    Yellow in buds?

    One of my plants isn't growing as well as the others , the buds are tiny compared to others and now I've just noticed yellow in the buds what could this be can anyone help me please
  17. EC8023

    So are these plants full of seeds in the buds ? :(

    Yes resin sacks is what I was hoping they were just wanted someone to help me identify them as that
  18. EC8023

    So are these plants full of seeds in the buds ? :(

    I'm sorry for wording it wrong , as I did have a couple of balls that I removed a couple of weeks ago and they did look different to these ones I'm now talking about in my pictures . But as this is the first time I've had this happen I'm unsure if the balls in the pictures are actually balls /...
  19. EC8023

    So are these plants full of seeds in the buds ? :(

    Oh good that's great to hear was just a bit worried that they would not be as good with these balls popping up. The plant which is showing the amber is pure ak and after reading up earlier its common for it to show early ambers and it is a fast flowering strain of 48 days so it's only half way...
  20. EC8023

    So are these plants full of seeds in the buds ? :(

    I had a few males in the middle of my females which I might of not caught in time as I did find a few pollen sacks on my females which I quickly removed as I saw them but they looked different to these balls I'm seeing every were now cause most of these new ones I'm seeing have 2 white hairs...