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  1. EC8023

    So are these plants full of seeds in the buds ? :(

    Help me please , are these all seeds in my buds that I'm seeing and if so what do I do now ? Give up or leave them finish ?
  2. EC8023

    Snapped the main stem bad

    Wondering ifthis will tape back together ok
  3. EC8023

    Help with hermie

    Thanks a lot for your info, I shall be keeping a close eye on them to remove any balls ASAP and fingers crossed I get something decent bud wise. One things for sure I've learnt a valuable lesson don't ever take anything off anyone as you don't know what it could be. I could of lost my whole crop...
  4. EC8023

    Help with hermie

    So I had sensi seed female seeds and also some shit seeds a friend gave me an I stupidly put a few extra plants in with my own . Last week I noticed they looked like males so quickly threw them out but not sure if I did it in time as I've found a few balls on my females . They still have bud...
  5. EC8023

    New to this site ,

    New to this site ,
  6. EC8023

    White eggs on top of leaves , can't find and bugs to identify what I'm dealing with

    Is this defiantly spider mite eggs can anyone tell me please ?